Request for Words of Love and Encouragement...

by MerryMagdalene 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    hey thanx all for your encouragement

    just having a 'blue' day

    nothing too serious

    just looks like i may have to move again

    i have moved 7 or 8 times in the past couple of years

    so dont wanna have to do it again

    I understand. We just moved into our apartment in February and now they sold our apartment complex and are turning them into condos.. so the new management wants everyone to move out.........

    It took me two months to pack us up since I work long days and have a 3 hour commute (round trip). Weekends are my only time to pack.. and unpack.. so the move took forever.. I was extremely depressed to get the notice they now wanted people to move!

  • HappyDad

    Hey Tijkmo,

    I'm thinking about you buddy!

    just having a 'blue' day

    I understand! I've been having a few of those myself lately. Sometimes everything seems to creep up on you and say BOO.

    My problem is........I'm thinking too much lately. About the past.....good and bad..........about things that happened a year ago at the time I came on to JWD..........and thinking..........."ok, where do I go from here." But it gets better. TIME TAKES TIME!

    All we need to do is to keep hanging on. Life is beautiful depending on how we look at it.


  • LouBelle

    Hi Tij - MOVING SUX DUDE......try get some little people to help (I got all my little cousins involved - I only ended up moving the fridge)

    I do hope that your day will pan out better. Put on some good music - take a power nap - have a smoke - walk away from it all for a little bit.....Saying "don't worry" is easier said than done. The best thing that works is a plan of action. then things are clear in your mind & you take it from there.

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