5/23/05 KM Article "Jehovah's Day is Near"

by TheListener 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    To be covered during service meetings week of 5/23/05.


    1. Christians ardently desire the coming of Jehovah's day, through which he will destroy the present system of things and usher in a new world of righteousness. (2 peter 3:12,13, ftn.) Since we do not know exactly when that day will arrive, we must maintain our watchfulness and help others to do the same. (Ezek 33:7-9; Matt. 24:42-44) Meditation on God's prophetic Word will strengthen our conviction that "the great day of Jehovah is near." -Zeph.1:14

    2. March of World Powers: As recorded at Revelation 17:9-11, the apostle John mentions "seven kings," representing a succession of seven world powers. John also refers to "an eighth king," which now represents the United Nations. Are we to expect other world powers to come on the scene? No, the prophecy states that this eighth king "goes off into destruction," after which no further earthly kings are mentioned. Does this prophecy help you to see where we are in the stream of time?

    3. Daniel 2:31-45 helps us to understand the coming of Jehovah's day. In that prophecy, the enormous image seen by Nebuchadnezzar in a dream represents a succession of world powers. Each of these powers has already made its appearance. Where in the course of history do we find ourelves today? In the period symbolized by the feet of the image. The prophecy vividly describes what will occur next. Human rulership will be completely destroyed, making way for "a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin." Can you see how this shows that Jehovah's day is near?

    4. Further Evidence: We are eyewitnesses of further evidence that Jehovah's day is near. We see the fulfillment of what the apostle Paul foretold regarding the traits of people "in the last days." (2 Tim. 3:1-5) And we are sharing in the global witness that must be given before the end comes. (Matt. 24:14) May our public ministry continue to reflect the urgency of teh angelic proclamation: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived." - Rev. 14:6,7

    _____I don't have a scanner so I typed it in._____

    So as I see it here are the ways to know the end is near:

    1. Eighth king is ruling (UN) which is the last king

    2. We are in the feet of the image from Daniel's vision (Daniel 2) [appears similar to #1]

    3. People are evil

    4. We are preaching to the world.

  • NeonMadman
    1. Eighth king is ruling (UN) which is the last king

    Let's see...we assert without proof that the 8th king is the UN and then use that unproved assertion to "prove" that we are living in the last days because the 8th king is now ruling. Can you say circular reasoning?

    2. We are in the feet of the image from Daniel's vision (Daniel 2) [appears similar to #1]

    Then we assert without proof that the toes of the image represent the political situation in the last days, then use that unproved assertion to "prove" that we are living in the last days because we are in the time represented by the toes of the image. Can you say circular reasoning again?

    3. People are evil

    Have they ever not been?

    4. We are preaching to the world.

    Yes, but what are you preaching to the world? Garbage like the above that is easily shown to be false and illogical? False prophecy after false prophecy? If we are living in the time of the end, the only thing JWs have contributed as a sign is the fact that Jesus prophesied the coming of false prophets.

  • Swan
    In that prophecy, the enormous image seen by Nebuchadnezzar in a dream represents a succession of world powers. Each of these powers has already made its appearance. Where in the course of history do we find ourelves today? In the period symbolized by the feet of the image.

    Yes, the feet are the United Nations and JWs are the toe jam crying out that they only wanted a library card!


  • joelbear

    actual current events conflict their statements.

    China and India are posed to become the next world power and there is very little anyone

    can do about it.

    The UN is hardly a world power nor has it ever been anywhere close to being a world power.

  • Gill

    I feel that theis 'eight king' that the silly asses have decided to come up with to cover their aforementioned silly asses, has got to be so obvious to R and F Witnesses that surely they must see that their beloved GB are nothing but evil 'false prophets'.

    The 1914 Generation has all but disappeared from the face of the earth and yet still they manage to come up with more garbage and what's even MORE amazing is that the R and F swallow the BS every time.

    Breathtaking in their stupidity!

    The R and F are like drowning men clinging to a sinking life raft when all they have to do to save themselves is swim a short distance to safety. But they won't let go, 'just in case' Armageddon ' is coming.

    Too sad!

  • Honesty

    Delusion is so normal in a cult.

  • M.J.

    Funny how all the WTS's most important prophecies come from the dreams of a pagan king.

  • robhic
    2. March of World Powers: As recorded at Revelation 17:9-11, the apostle John mentions "seven kings," representing a succession of seven world powers. John also refers to "an eighth king," which now represents the United Nations.

    Doesn't the complete and utter silliness of this assertion even raise an eyebrow when it is mentioned? The UN is a toothless, clawless, old outdated entity that can't find its own ass with both hands! The UN could never be considered a "king" or world power of any variety. How could this organization start a war (or whatever) that would result in it ruling the world? Ain't no way!

    The very thought boggles the (realistic) mind.


  • Cordelia

    was thinking tho if we are living in the FINAL king and the FINAL political situation, then they really cant go on with there lies much longer can they?? hey what am i thinking, theyve done it before 1914 etc, also supose there will be another 'generation' of dubs not hearing these lies! oh well back to the drawing board!

  • Bendrr

    Wait a minute!

    I thought the "feet of iron and clay" on the image in Daniel represented the "Anglo-American World Power". At least that's how it was when my dad used to give that public talk on the dream in Daniel.

    And I can't remember the identities of the different kings in Revelation, but I'm pretty sure back in my day the U.N. wasn't the "eigth king". For that matter, I can't even remember much reference to "eight kings".

    Would someone please do me a favor and give me a quick rundown on some of these changes since '92?


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