I hate to be beating a dead horse, but I just took a good look at the timing of the Guardian article and the date the JW's left the UN as a NGO. I was blown away by it !!! The article came out on Oct. 8, 2001....and the JW's wrote a letter to the UN to terminate it's association with it on Oct. 9..the very next day!!!! They then spent the next few years trying to say it was for a library card. Like I said....I know the topic has been up a million times but this is the first time I looked at the actual dates. Unbelievable, just gave me new resolve.
WT and the UN........again
by jula71 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Beating a dead horse? Nah! it's all good.
If what they were doing was sooo innocent why did they immediately cease their association. What does any organization do when it's been caught with their pants down? So the whole "library card" thing sounds like b.s. to me. Smells like b.s. to me. Looks like b.s. to me. So by God it must be b.s. -
Beating a dead horse? Nah! it's all good.
If what they were doing was sooo innocent why did they immediately cease their association. What does any organization do when it's been caught with their pants down? So the whole "library card" thing sounds like b.s. to me. Smells like b.s. to me. Looks like b.s. to me. So by God it must be b.s. -
I hear ya EF. Just really bugs me now. This is stuff that the R & F JW's will never hear about or learn, doing so is...." apostasy "
Well my dad was a P.O. and had never heard of this...and of course immediately said... what apostate have you gotten this from.... I said "Um....go to www.un.org and type in the word "Watchtower" in the search window, that's how I found it".
He still is supposed to be getting back to me on what really happened. 3 weeks and counting now.... -
Golden Girl
They never were too smart!
EvilForce..are you going to show your Dad "The Ram Factory" next?
How they own 50 percent of it..helping to build bombs?
Snoozy...I would love to hear what your Dad's answer will be..if you ever get one..
Golden Girl
I don't know why this post reminded me of Bill Clinton...Honest..it's not what it seems!..
Snoozy...who wonders if anyone EVER got an answer on this from a JW?
Hey anyone out there! Where can I find a link to look up that stuff about the Ram Factory!!!???? Is this for real?
Here zulu... http://www.randytv.com/randcam.htm
It's RAND, not RAM. And you can read more by googling.