Methinks the lady protests too much
Boy, I'm a sad case!!! The devil makes work for idle hands!
by LittleToe 43 Replies latest jw friends
:) Im innocent I tell ya!
Have no fear here are my Statistics :
Board Member - four years, I month, 14 days.
Posts - 5,391
Times I have left the Board never to return- 36.75 times
Enemies made - 17, 656
Friends made - 3
Friends lost - 2
Worthy posts - The one holding up my garden gate.
Times that I made Minimus cry like a wee chubby bubba - 732
Times that I used the word 'however' - 27,345
Ambition - To convince President Bush that the 'Beano' is actually a comic and that Donald Rumsfeld is a gigantic but flaccid willie - oh yes and I would like to create that world peace thingy.
Favorite person in history - Atilla The Hun's mum and Mother Teresa's geezer.
Favorite Fantasy - Rod Stewart's head on Elton John's body
That is all for now - That is all for now
Hillary_step That was too funny!
You chatty man you, Due to your posting LT we do get to see two of the cutest nephews ever thanks to your sis. Your nephews make your avatar the best.
lol LittleToe. You should hang your head in shame at your accomplishment!
If you're a sad case, LT, does that make Gumby a sad sack?
I've also heard you'll work for any devil with a blue dress blue dress on...
~Cousin Merry
I know you do want congartulating but would you mind if I had a wee dram to celebrate - I do have an excellent King of Kings -distilled in a place just North of Aviemore -Kingussie
Rod P
Little Toe,
Here in Canada we do not measure by the "foot" as we have gone metric.
That's called a "deflection" (from your question, of course).
Rod P.
Imagine if we could turn our own time slips into the WTBS!! Most could be pioneers.
Hell, what was I thinking? Must have been a brain fart!!
So how wide would the foot need to be, and does it make the individual any taller?
Don't you know that size doesn't matter? Er...wait...yes, it does.
*bowing at the feet of a small podiatry appendage*