Here's another 'press release' by Stuart hot linked to no less. The Trinity Doctrine (press release), UK - May 29, 2005 ... about Jesus Christ, who perfectly illustrated Paul’s point here—namely the importance of humility and obedience to one’s Superior and Creator, Jehovah God ... |
The Trinity Doctrine
Added : ( Sat May 28 2005 )
What About Trinity “Proof Texts”?
IT IS said that some Bible texts offer proof in support of the Trinity. However, when reading such texts, we should keep in mind that the Biblical and historical evidence does not support the Trinity.
Any Bible reference offered as proof must be understood in the context of the consistent teaching of the entire Bible. Very often the true meaning of such a text is clarified by the context of surrounding verses.
Three in One
THE New Catholic Encyclopedia offers three such “proof texts” but also admits: “The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught in the O[ld] T[estament]. In the N[ew] T[estament] the oldest evidence is in the Pauline epistles, especially 2 Cor 13.13 [verse 14 in some Bibles], and 1 Cor 12.4.... ...................................
The Bible is consistent in revealing Almighty God, Jehovah, as alone Supreme, Jesus as his created Son, and the holy spirit as God’s active force.
[Blurb on page 24]
“The ancients made a wrong use of [John 10:30] to prove that Christ is . . . of the same essence with the Father.”—Commentary on the Gospel According to John, by John Calvin
Should you believe in the Trinity?
Watchtower Submitted by: Stuart Chamberlin This is "Stuart116 the above author linked to porn sites .