Keep On the Watch - Week of May 30

by ezekiel3 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ezekiel3

    For more information on this topic:

  • sf


    Thanks for a load of complete crap.


  • sf


  • ezekiel3

    sf: Would you like me to scan a piece of Kingdom Hall toilet paper to go with that?

  • kls

    This is the most sick crap that it is so hard to read without just wanting to hurl, Gawd

  • Honesty

    The time of the execution of judgment of which the angel spoke is also known as "the day of Jehovah." Such a "day" came upon ancient Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. because its inhabitants did not heed Jehovah's warnings through his prophets. I would like to see proof that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E.

    Divine judgment has been pronounced upon "Babylon the Great." According to Revelation 14:8, an angel declares: "Babylon the Great has fallen." That has already taken place. May I have some documented proof of this?

    • Today, in addition to places of worship, Babylon the Great has vast commercial holdings. Just go to Brooklyn, NY if you want to see the proof of this statement.

      In ancient times, Jehovah maneuvered powerful political and military nations to punish those who showed persistent disregard for him and his will. Thus Samaria was destroyed by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E. Jerusalem was devastated by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. and by the Romans in 70 C.E. There you go again, giving dates that you can't prove.

    True Christians want to live and serve Jehovah forever. That prospect is not less precious because they must wait for certain blessings a little longer than some may have expected. They only expected what the WT told them.

    What is the "new heavens"? The Bible associates heaven with rulership. (Acts 7:49) And your point in including this scripture?

    What is the "new earth"? It is not a new globe, since the Bible clearly states that the earth will be inhabited forever. The "new earth" is a new human society. Got any proof?

    The majority of mankind honor gods of their own making. Millions bow before lifeless images. Others glorify human institutions, materialistic philosophies, or their own desires. Have you made the pilgrimage to Bethel?

    Earth transformed into Paradise -Luke 23:43 It really says, "I assure you: Today you will be with Me in paradise."

    God cannot lie! -Titus 1:2. No, but the WTS sure tells some good ones.

  • Flash

    This is an example of what I see as the division that exists within the GB. Some ARE spiritualy focused and others are SELF ABSORBED EGOTISTS who burdon/beat the congregation down with endless man made rules, guilt and fear!

    Here are two examples of the latter:

    ASK YOURSELF: ...How important to you is attendance at meetings of the Christian congregation?

    Not important at all, unless of course you enjoy having your individuality, your mind and your life taken away bit by bit. Hebrews 10:24,25 is an exhortation NOT a command!

    What action do you need to take? Ask yourself: 'Do I still cling to a religious organization that is tainted with teachings and practices that mark it as part of 'Babylon theGreat?' Or the UN? Does the religious organization that I belong to unlovingly use guilt and fear to manipulate and contol its people? Does the religious organization I belong to discourage independant thought and critical review of its teachings? Does the religious organization I belong to preach that their leaders are not infallable then expect me to treat everything they say as if they are? Does the religious organization I belong to seek to take up as much of my time as possible with church services and studying of their literature? Does the religious organization I belong to dictate every aspect of my life with little or no room for using my own judgement? ...Think carefully about your reply.

    Quote in red is how it should read.

  • jst2laws


    sf: Would you like me to scan a piece of Kingdom Hall toilet paper to go with that?

    You can't outdo the WT unless it is thoroughly USED toilet paper. Jst2laws

  • Simon

    I really don't see the point in posting large copies of WT publications without any comment. We are not here to publish their material for them.

    If you want to comment on the matierial then quoting the relevant pieces is fine but please don't just copy articles wholesale.

  • ezekiel3


    I apologize if I have transgressed in some way. My intention in posting the weekly studies of the Keep on the Watch! brochure was to provide fodder for others to comment on.

    I hope to continue with this series of lessons from the brochure with your blessing. In the future, I will include my comments in the post as well.

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