James:May I add that while you might denigrate your effort to communicate, it's definitely improving
An Observation About Life
by JamesThomas 86 Replies latest jw friends
as i was driving out to the mountains, i caught myself thinking: "oh boy, i can't wait to get out to the lake, and try out some of these suggestions from this thread." and then i realized: it's not about future-think. it's about now. i turned off the music, rolled down the window, pulled into the slow lane, and just started enjoying the very moment of my existence. every time i caught myself intellectualizing the moment, i said "no", and just concentrated on my breathing. looking about. smelling. hearing. feeling. and after a while, a peace kind of washed over me.
Tetrapod, I wondered how being out in nature would affect the influence the thoughts in this thread would have on you. Thanks for sharing. I did much the same thing when I was questioning everything I was missing. A friend even suggested nature as a way to connect to the universe and myself. very soothing 'quieting' expierience.
By all means enjoy these experiences like Frankie said, I would just add one thing.
Although there is nature in the sense of the great outdoors, in another sense everything is nature. Likewise while you are not limited to some expression of yourself in the way of thoughts and feelings, those expressions are as much you as anything else. So in this sense, then, do enjoy yourself. On a long retreat I found how entertaining the mind can be. In the recognition that the thoughts are not really true, and is not who you are at the core, there can also be laughter.
At a certain point the inward focus will turn outward again, to see that peace in everyday life in the world. And whether we know it or not, that outward focus begins to touch those around us, just by virtue of being who you are. But then inward and outward doesn't really make any sense anymore, it's all the same.
mr. thomas and all others in this thread -
I found this thread, read through it several times and it has literally changed me forever. thank you seems to not even come close to the gratitude of what I have learned here. It awoke "me" that I've always KNOWN is there and I'm just starting to find. I've caught faint glimpses of her throughout my life but to fully just "see" her I needed to take the step of removing the JW label and what that entailed to me.
I breathe a breath to all of you know, and then I breathe to me.
-freedomlover -
Well said, JT.
Dear Freedomlover,
There was a lot of wonderful input to this thread, but none any more important than what you said: "...I've always KNOWN is there and I'm just starting to find..."
Yes, it's always here waiting. The truth and wholeness we have sought, is what we really are. Nothing less beautiful could be expected from the vast and wondrous intelligence from which all life and universes arise.
I'm with freedom on this. You have no idea how many times your words have made me cry, and smile. But above all else you always make me think, and I thank you for that.
James Thomas - Once again you have, in my opinion, introduced the most meaningful thread on this board.
And many more since!
Thank you dear Robyn, Lola, Trevor and everyone else for your input and some very warm and kind comments. You are one and all too kind. But it's not me. On his best day JamesThomas is a fool, and more often than not an offensive ass.
What wisdom is it in you that sees something or feels something significant?
There is that most close, that which looks out those beautiful eyes right now, which is indescribably boundless and pristine. Once seen and realized, it is certainly and undeniably what the word h-o-l-y points to. It is you, and when it is rediscovered it will be unquestionably known as far, far more real and actual than any thing ever believed to be self.
You are it. I have nothing to offer or add to what you already are. All one can do is perhaps help to entice awareness to look, or remind consciousness of what IS.
When you clearly see the purity of what is seeing and in which all unfolds, it is then recognized within the sparkle of every eye, and in the vibrant and endless aliveness of all existence. Because you are endless and nothing is excluded, the tragedy and battle of human existence goes on, and you are nakedly with the pain and sorrow of that too. But more importantly, more intimately, more significantly, you are the untouchable beauty and purity in which all phenomenal movement arises and falls back to. You are not so much what is born and dies, as much as you are what was never born and never dies.
Here's to you