This is very easy to watch and completely informative.
Does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding Watchtowerism?
by TerryWalstrom 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is very easy to watch and completely informative.
Does anybody have the talent to put one together regarding Watchtowerism?
Yeah, very well done.
I love the animated videos, very watchable (who doesn't love cartoons!).
We had an Eldub who was a real piece of work. He would always drone on about how "worldly" people don't love their families like JWs do. I asked my wife," Why don't you use that as you opening line in your field service presentation?" LOL!!
Can you imagine: ( dreamy music )
JW: Good morning! I am here to convert you to the only true religion because you don't love your family like I do? Would you like to learn why you are so wrong in almost everything you do??
Wow, I've never known anything about the Mormons, just that they can go fundamental and become polygamists. I like to watch the TLC series "Sister Wife's", which makes me appreciate how "normal" I really am, lol.
but they never bring anything about their faith up, just that living like a polygamist gives them better chance to enter through the pearly gates.
But this is just plain nuts, their belief that is. It's almost crazier than the WT fairytails, well, just almost. But I think I like the Mormons better anyways, they don't seem so stuck up or try to convert you in the same manners as the JWs. One of my teenage son friends is a Mormon, but he has never spoken about his faith.
anyhow, this video is brilliant and I wish one was made about the Watchtower.
It's easy to see 'crazy' in the "other" folks religion, but so difficult to see it in our own.
I wonder why that is?
It must be the emotional investment.
Here are some ideas for a WT version script...
JWS:"Hello, we are visiting with your neighbors to show them the truth about God's will for mankind. God is about to destroy everybody who is not on his team and turn the world into a paradise for those who are. God has selected a special group of people called the Governing Body who are known in the bible as the faithful and discreet slave. Everybody who worships and obeys this group of men who issue orders from New York will live eternally."
HOUSEHOLDER: "What about those who do what Jesus commanded, he said those who love one another, don't judge, help the poor and sick and orphans, etc..."
JWS: "It doesn't matter how good, or sincere, or how much you follow what Jesus commanded in the bible, if you aren't following the Governing Body you are unworthy of God's grace and will be destroyed at Armagedon"
HOUSEHOLDER: " How do you know this Governing Body are the faithful slave?"
JWS: "Because each month in the Watchtower the Governing Body publishes, it tells us how they are the faithful slave and we must obey them if we want salvation."
HOUSEHOLDER: "So they tell you they are the faithful slave and you just accept it?"
JWS: "No, the watchtower magazine tells us they are the faithful slave. Also the scripture says the faithful slave would give food at the proper time. So obviously the watchtower telling us to obey the faithful slave who are the governing body are obviously that faithful slave, is that not proof of food at the proper time?"
HOUSEHOLDER: "Have they given any signs or any proof they have God's backing?"
JWS: "Well they are imperfect men, so many things they said would happen haven't happened and the light keeps getting brighter, but those who don't follow them are like Korah who rebelled against Moses and will be destroyed by God!"
HOUSEHOLDER: "If they haven't performed signs like Moses to prove they have God's backing, how do you know you must follow them then?"
JWS:"Because as we said, in the Watchtower it says those who don't obey the governing body, who are the faithful slave, will have no hope of salvation"
HOUSEHOLDER: (giving up on that point) Okay, so what must a JW do, what are the instructions of the faithful slave?
JWS: "You must spend all your time going door to door to proclaim that salvation is at hand for those who obey the faithful slave, this means no higher education because it may corrupt your faith and take away from time of going door to door, no having fun because that takes time, no working out because that takes time, if your elderly parents become needy due to health you must put the preaching work first, you must go to 2 meetings a week and listen to the same information over and over about worshipping and obeying the faithful slave, it's recommended to give all your excess money and will all your possessions to the faithful slave when you die, you may not talk to anybody who has left the true religion because they are against God himself and their lies are stronger then our truth and will trick you into leaving, any funerals must not talk about the lives of the deceased but instead focus on telling those in attendance how following the faithful slave will give them life again, you must cut contact with all friends and family who are not JWs, you must not give any money or time to charities that help the poor, orphans, etc, because the faithful slave needs that money, you must not read the bible and try to learn its message in context, the governing body alone can understand the bible.
HOUSEHOLDER: Woah, no charity, doesn't Jesus command us to do that?
JWS: See, that's the danger! If you read the bible on your own, Satan will enter your mind and make you go against God! That's why we need the governing body!
HOUSEHOLDER: But how do you know it's not the governing body who are corrupting you and lying?
JWS: Because it says so right in the watchtower that if you read the bible on your own, you can't possible know the truth and if you don't follow the faithful slave God will kill you when the end comes!
Well I have got the holey underwear after the moths nibbled at it when I could not for the life of me get hold of any moth balls. So will they let me join?
I shall ask to see their credentials if they knock on my door in any case.