Someone told me that not so long ago it was to some extent unacceptable to listen to beatles music. Its probably okay now. But now it is rap and heavy metal that is distasteful to Jehovah. I suppose it used to be rock&roll in the 1950s, and before that were bing crosby or glen miller the ones singing and playing the devil's music? Those who wait on Jehovah may be given permission in 20 years from now to enjoy metallica and nirvana. Just wait on Jehovah.
How could Jehovah alter his musical taste so much?
by jaffacake 15 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, when I joined the jws, Jeh hated disco....Hang on, Maybe there is a god!
As the CO told my cong, ALL music is made by worldly artists. The only music that is acceptable for true Christians is the Kingdom Melodies.
His point was that just because cuss words aren't in the songs, that doesn't mean that the artist doesn't cuss.
An elder in my congregation said that when Moses came back from Mount Saini he could tell that the Isrielites were worshiping a false god because of the form of music that was coming from their camp. They used this as biblical 'proof' that God can and would completly ban entire genres of music as Satantic regardless of the lyrical content and intention of the authors. Did anyone else encounter this?
Before my dad took his life, I took over a CD player and an assortment of music that I thought could perk up his mood a bit and bring some "joyful noise" into his home. Among the CD's was a good one by Yanni, and a couple of Kenny G....and a George Benson.
A couple of days after taking them over to his place, I could see they hadn't been touched and when I asked how he'd liked them, the reply was that he hadn't listened to them, and anxiously ordered me to:
"take them outta here! If someone saw them, they'd think I was going off the deep end or something!"
O K A Y ..........Yanni and Kenny G?? It boiled down to the fact that the covers showed pictures of the artists and they both had LONG HAIR!
I always believed that John Denver was the devil incarnate.
It seems to come down to the more limited and diminutive our idea of god, the more extensive our field of evil.
I mean something has to fill up all that space where our god isn't.
..then again maybe its more what the music is associated with than just the music. Anyone who values fidelity and chastity and clean language will probably need to stay clear of swathes of modern music. The beatles themselves were associated with a lot of behaviour that was not moral despite making great songs. Those listening to the beatles today probably would be doing it for the music as opposed to the lifestyle as well. Ironically I have a TV music channel playing in the background and the girls are wearing revealing clothes etc.. I don't think their is any real doubt as to what they are promoting.
Don't knock people who want to live a clean life.:) -
Q you crazy bas** never cease to amaze me.... LOL - (I'm teasing)
People have railed against everything modern from the beginning of time. The Waltz was considered loose and immoral for it's time. It's the bigotry of thinking one's generation's music is ok and the younger one's evil....simply because you don't like it.
Teen angst and music allow a healthy outlet for most. Someone screaming out on behalf of how these young people feel. Whether it's old school rap, new rap, acid rock, smooth jazz, whatever.
Personally Christian Rock makes me want to puke. It's simplistic and painful to listen to. But like bumholes and opinions are similar ..... everybody has one and no one wants to hear the other person's. -
EF I agree with you on Christian Rock - it makes me want to puke to. That said I like IONA but only because they don't ram too many religious references into every song and I like celtic music..