In my ongoing trawl of geological info I cam across an interesting theory regarding the expansion of the earth causing the split of pangea as opposed to plate tectonics..
Have fun.
Anyone heard of the expanding earth theory?
by Qcmbr 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
lmao! Too funny!
So, are they saying that the earth is becoming less dense as it expands?
Why haven't we been able to measure the circumference increase in the earth? Hell, if a ship has to travel 26,000 mile to go around the world one year and then the next year it has to to 26,100 mile, you'd think someone would notice.
The idea is that gravity is increasing (hence no huge land animals now) as the size of the earth increases (dust falling from space and increasing mass due to conversion of sunlight into matter.)
In the time of the dino's it was supposed to be 60% smaller and the gravity much less so animals could be much bigger.
Argues against large scale subduction at plate margins - only spreading. -
The idea is that gravity is increasing (hence no huge land animals now) as the size of the earth increases (dust falling from space and increasing mass due to conversion of sunlight into matter.)
There's no way dust from space alone would account for such an increase in mass. If the planet was smaller and more dense, I don't believe that would alter the gravity. In addition that implies that the planet has increased in temperature. Planets cool off over time and that causes contraction, not expansion.
I doubt anyone of significance believes in earth expansion as the cause for techtonic activity. I think the common belief is that it's by convection currents in the mantle.
BTW, what do you mean "conversion of sunlight to matter"? How exactly is that taking place on the earth's surface?
The evidence is obvious, unmistakable and irrefutable!
Any time I see this as a claim I have to wonder.....if's it so obvious...unmistakable....and irrefutable....why hasn't mainline science "stumbled" across his web page.
If this were true our GPS sats in geo-sync-orbit would be able to track this. -
Nah, but i've heard of and seen the expanding girth theory.....
Dr - I think the idea is that plants convert sunlight and grow - the biomass is added to the weight of the earth and when they decay they add to the total mass of the earth which only loses a fraction of the gases produced to space - something like that.
I have first-hand knowledge of expanding girth. It's not a theory. I have pictures of my ex-wives as proof.