Hi Max:
I found a couple of additional, interesting renderings of Ezekiel 36:23 which also employs the expression: "Vindication of God's Name."
"And I WILL VINDICATE THE HOLINESS OF MY GREAT NAME which has been profaned among the nations..." -- New American Standard
"I WILL VINDICATE MY GREAT NAME, which has been profaned among the nations, and which you have profaned among them; and the nations shall know that I am the LORD, says the LORD GOD, when, through you, I VINDICATE MY HOLINESS before their eyes." -- The Modern Language Bible
The Vindication of God's Name is a clear-cut issue, always paramount in importance and unequalled in significance, in the eyes of Almighty God. There is no issue, Biblically-speaking really, quite like it. Reading the Bible objectively makes that point clear.
As you stated, for many years the WTS has held that point up high and endorsed this position to the world in general. At least, until May 1995, when the "new light" came in the form of the Watchtower Magazine. Now, the "Vindication of God's Great Name" is no longer the issue. Of course, this "teaching" is in total contradiction to God's Word itself, as demonstated above.
The "Vindication of God's Name" is the primary and main focal point of the Bible itself. It is rudimentary, elementary, fundamental and thus most critical to one first coming to understand God's Word and His purposes for us today. Any novice of Bible study must first come to realize this point, before he can began to "grow" spiritually to spiritual "adulthood" and maturity.
Therefore, if there ever was a "proof", some discernable "evidence" that one could direct another to, to demonstrate or show the spiritual "fall" of the WTS and Governing Body, this would be it. Clearly, the WTS and the Governing Body have completely lost Jehovah's Spirit, based upon this "new light" they are now teaching the congregations world-wide.
God had blinded them from seeing the most important Bible issue of our time. -- John 12:40
In keeping with His Own righteous standards, Jehovah and Jesus have "removed" the Watchtower Society's spiritual "lampstand from its place." They can no longer bear any "light" nor provide true spiritual enlightenment for those seeking their aid, at all for Jehovah and Jesus anymore. -- Rev. 2:5
As Jesus said,
"Every branch in me not bearing fruit HE TAKES AWAY,..." -- John 15:2
This is what has happened to the WTS and the Governing Body. Jehovah has "taken them away," spiritually-speaking. They have lost His blessing and spirit, as evidenced by what they write of recent in the publications now as "new light," as well as their horrendous conduct with the "Silent-Lambs" situation, and other devious matters of their doing that have now become "public knowledge." It is clear-cut. -- Ezekiel 36:3, 12-14