French vote no to EU constitution

by Qcmbr 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Normally I'm a disliker of all things gallic but tonight I could kiss their oniony butts.

  • Pole

    The funny thing is that the voting is not about the constitutional treaty. I assume QCMBR you've read the treaty? (I've only managed to read through some 20 pages so far).


  • Qcmbr

    Nope - just the barest outline - we weren't due to vote till next year.

    I'm no fan of the EU constitution.

  • Pole

    Oh yeah - I figured there must be a reason for "kissing the oniony butts".

    And the major reason why you're no big fan of it is?


  • Qcmbr

    I love my country and its independence. The EU may make the fat cats richer but it centralises power further awy from my country.

    I hate the CAP - it means I pay higher prices for many groceries,it also means that many countries who rely on agricultural exports are struggling due to EU protectionism (Caribbean sugar producers for example.)

    It gets up my nose that the many differing economies and cultures of Europe are being homogenised and steam rollered by this large superstate. The UK is finacially in a mess at the moment for many at grass roots level (many cannot afford homes and debt is at record levels) and increasing taxes to pay for this eu project would suck.

    I am all in favour of free trade but I'm not in favour of extending that to every aspect of our lives.

  • EvilForce

    Yeah, it seems like they took a really good idea and took it to it's logical and ridiculous end.

    How to unite so many languages, cultures and such...when you could have gotten 90% of the benefits by using it as a "uniformity" organization. Meaning... keeping auto regulations the same throughout the region. Drug research optomized so as not to overlap. Similar enviromental regs from one country to the next. Open boarders w/ tight entry points to the EU as a whole.

    Now to over-reach by trying to make all the countries have similar tax structures and rates seems silly. A common currency makes it nice to travel within the EU but not sure if it's a panacea it's been held out to be.

  • Qcmbr

    ..I'm in shock..EF you and I often seem on opposite sides of rainbow and here we are kinda agreeing... I'm off to bed ..I feel a bit light headed :)

  • Pole


    I see.


    I didn't know an obligatory common tax policy is in the constitution. I thought the UK and other countries didn't agree to have it included. Looks like I have to have another go at reading the treaty.

    From what they're saying on the news, 55% were against. Wow. One needs to respect that, although I'm sure most of the voters had not the slightest idea of what they were voting against. This is partly the fault of the EU beauraucrats.

    What's next?



  • EvilForce

    I think the tax policy has been taken out of is a goal of France and Germany to make little countries like Poland and Ireland which have attracted biz to go back to a similar tax structure so that France & Germany won't lose so many jobs to you little Potato Farmers and Wimpy Poles :) But there's a reason WHY your two countries are doing well. Competitive tax structures and an educated work force, along w/ low cost of overhead.

    But another trying to make the constitution all things to all people it became relevant to none. They should have picked a brief 3 or 4 page outline and stuck with it. Now everything under the sun is in that thing.

    Yes Q, we finally do agree on something eh? I shall mark it on the calendar....LOL

  • Pole


    I'm glad you've done your homework. You sound like an American who is relatively well-informed about European matters.

    France and Germany (or rather their helpless leaders) have yet to realize that they come across as utterly ridiculous over here when instead of lowering taxes in their own countries they want to raise ours. So I wouldn't worry about what France or Germany hope to impose. We're not a country of the size of Malta after all and we have an opinion of rather steadfast negotiators in the EU.

    Honestly, I think the No vote will backfire on the Frenchies just as their Nato referendum strengthened the position of Germany. As I sad, the sad thing is that the majority of French people had no idea of what they were refuting or accepting.


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