A drastic medical view

by Fatfreek 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Fatfreek

    When Mom and Dad and I adopted Watchtower teachings during the mid 50's, the most influential couple we knew were special pioneers by the names of Raymond and Doris Bridgman. They were truly fine people in many senses, a bit younger than my folks, and very charismatic. The place was New Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

    It wasn't long before you realized that the Bridgmans ate differently than the rest of us. Even at my young age I perceived as much and wondered out loud, "What diet are you on, Raymond?" It took much persistence till he finally revealed that a book by a Professor Ehret was behind their diet and "would you like to read it?", he volunteered.

    We not only read the Ehret book but faithfully followed his teachings on diet and enemas and fasting -- for awhile. It was simply too drastic for meat eaters like us. We weakened.

    Only recently I found that same book in paperback form and bought it, more out of curiosity. I then discovered how radical it truly was, but so drastic that it had a charm about it. Here was a true wacko and self-ordained "professor" who took on the entire medical establishment. More important, I wondered whether Ehret's philosophy had actually found its way into the earlier Watchtower literature. Bingo! Note the following references.

    Barnes, L. D. "The Ehret System of Elimination." Golden Age April 3, 1929 p. 434.
    Shelton, Herbert M. "More About the Ehret System." Golden Age May 29, 1929 p. 564.
    "The Ehret System of Elimination." Golden Age March 20, 1929 p. 399-401.

    But I digress. The Bridgman's were Watchtower products of the 1930's and had a son, Allen, one of my best friends in those mid 1950's. Before I met Allen he'd worked at Bethel headquarters for some 18 months but had to leave because he developed grand mal epilepsy while working there. It was about that time that Allen and I started to hang out although he was some 5 years older. I was encouraged by Bridgmans to come out to their place and be a friend and keep an eye on Allen -- we'd pitch horseshoes and talk and play catch with a baseball. That became a daily ritual during school days.

    I was trained to "watch" Allen and it wasn't easy for this 15 year-old. Never leave him by himself, I was told. Go where he goes. Especially, keep an eye on him for the seizure symptoms.

    It was always scary to see Allen go into his convulsions. At its worse, his seizures happened daily and sometimes more often. He would always stop in his tracks no matter where we were. He'd turn his head and shoulders to his left, then look upwards. That would be my signal. By that time he would be unconscious and vulnerable to being injured by any combination of falling down, biting his tongue, or throwing his shoulders out of joint. I would quickly get to him and wrap my arms around his chest, then gently lower his frame to the ground, looking for a soft resting spot for his head. A clean handkerchief was always in some pocket and I'd quickly fetch it, fold it, and force it between his teeth in one corner of his mouth. Then stand back.

    It didn't last long, perhaps a minute or two. Bystanders would stand clear and some would scream at Allen's violent thrashing of his arms and head and legs. His groans were heart-wrenching. His face would turn from red to purple to nearly black, and he would froth at the mouth. His eyes continued wide open but he wasn't aware of his surroundings for another ten minutes or so. I had a very brief window of time to do then what I dreaded most -- place one or both of his shoulders back into their sockets -- this by folding each arm closed and leveraging the elbow across his stomach till I felt the shoulder snap into place. Delaying that task would mean he would awaken to severe pain where only an ambulance and some medical technician could do what I knew needed to be done quickly.

    "Are you all right?", I'd keep asking.

    We'd already resumed whatever we'd been doing, perhaps just walking somewhere. I'd already brushed the dirt and the leaves from his backside and head. I'd already wiped the froth of saliva from his face. I'd already placed his handkerchief back into his pocket where it would be ready for the next time. But, untill he regained full consciousness, he acted as if he were ignoring me, as if being insulted by my interrogation.

    Finally, "Did I just have one, Lenny?", he would quiz me. He somehow seemed to sense it. In retrospect, however, his head and torso and limbs had just been violently battered by this unmerciful disease of the brain. He certainly was in some kind of discomfort and confided at least once that his shoulders were "very sore". That was no surprise.

    "Yes, but everything went okay", I'd reassure him.

    Allen would always thank me for being there for him. I was actually proud of myself for remaining calm and doing my little part.

    It was then that I at times sensed his anger at having to go through what he went through. Yes, angry at his parents Raymond and Doris. He confided in me, once, that they felt doctors could probably help his condition but that they didn't believe in them or in their medicines. I never learned until recently that their negative view of doctors probably hatched with the aid of Watchtower literature. As "Professor" Ehret's contempt for doctors and their profession is crystal clear in his writings, and since the Society at one time subscribed within their pages to Ehret's thinking, it all came together.

    In those mid 50's, all in our congregation felt such empathy and sadness for Allen's plight. Most had no idea his parents subscribed to the then-abandoned teaching that Witnesses shun medicines prescribed by medical doctors. Most, including my family, had no idea that Bridgmans had probably read and believed the following from a leading Watchtower publication:

    *** The Golden Age, September 26, 1934, p. 807 ***
    "The Journal of the A. M. A. is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail.... Nothing new and useful in therapeutics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assassination.... Its editor [Morris Fishbein] is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ."

    It was only after pure desperation that Allen's parents finally relented and a physican's help was sought. He began taking the doctor's prescription and what happened was like a miracle. No, he wasn't cured, Raymond would always defensively remind us. True, I would think, but Allen had no more epileptic seizures -- ever, to the best of my knowledge. He was able to find gainful employment, a good marriage mate and raise a family.

    Allen and I share grandchildren as my son and his daughter have three children of their own. In one sense, Allen is now the lucky one. He has a relationship with the very ones, our children and grandchildren, who feel obligated to shun me.

  • Leolaia

    What a story....thank you so much for posting this.

    It's stories like these (such as the story on how the smoking ban ruined JW tobacco farmers in the South) that open up an unexpected vista on what went on at the local level among JWs in the past. Many people lived their lives according to the quackery in the Golden Age.

  • bikerchic

    Wow Fatfreek fantastic read!

    I recognized the name of Ehret and did a google search came up with this:


    L.A., Forest Lawn and Beaumont, California are my old stomping grounds no wonder I recognized the name. I've used alternative healing for years so I'm sure that's where I saw his name, plus years ago a lot of JW's used to see a chiropractor in Beaumont, California although it wasn't Ehret he had many of the same beliefs and procedures. I've also had some experience with people who have epilepsy so I found this interesting.

    *** The Golden Age, September 26, 1934, p. 807 ***
    "The Journal of the A. M. A. is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail.... Nothing new and useful in therapeutics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assassination.... Its editor [Morris Fishbein] is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ."

    My husband has done extensive research with older WTS publications and has read to me many of the horrific statements Rutherford said in these publications. Old man Rutherford could really lash out with a wicked tongue of condemnation, if only the R & F today could read this stuff I'm sure many would not be so willing to be part of the B'org. Course we know thats exactly why they keep this from the JW's today.

    Allen and I share grandchildren as my son and his daughter have three children of their own. In one sense, Allen is now the lucky one. He has a relationship with the very ones, our children and grandchildren, who feel obligated to shun me.
    That is truly heartbreaking, sorry you are dealing with this.
  • Fatfreek

    Thanks Leolaia and BikerChic for your encouragement. BikerChic for that interesting link. For those not familiar with Ehret's writings I decided to paste a few snippets from my copy of one of his books, the book I reference above:

    Professor Arnold Ehret
    Mucusless Diet Healing System
    Scientific Method Of Eating Your Way To Health

    Every disease, no matter what name it is known by medical science, is constipation, a clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body. Any special symptom is therefore merely an extraordinary local constipation by more accumulated mucus at this particular place. Special accumulation points are the tongue, the stomach and particularly the entire digestive tract. ...the average person has as much as 10 lbs. of uneliminated feces in the bowels continually, poisoning the bloodstream and the entire system. Think of it! (page 23)

    My "Mucus Theory" and "Mucusless Diet Healing System" stand unshaken; it has proven the most successful "Compensation-Action" so-called cure against every kind of disease. By its systematic application thousands of declared-incurable patients could be saved. (page 23,24)

    To show that all differently named diseases, even the most severe ones have their bases and are caused by the same general and constitutional encumbrance of the body, I shall show you in the light of truth a few characteristic kinds of cases . Through these illustrative examples I shall prove that there is not a single disease, not a disturbance or sensation, not an unhealthy appearance or symptom, which cannot be explained and seen at once in its real nature as local constipation, constitutional constipation by mucus and its toxemias; most of the quantities continually supplied from the "chronic reserve stock of waste" in the stomach, intestines, and especially in the colon. The "basement" (colon) of the human temple is the reservoir from which every symptom of disease and weakness is supplied in all its manifestations.

    A COLD is a beneficial effort to eliminate waste from the cavities of the head, the throat and the bronchial tubes.

    PNEUMONIA. The cold goes deeper and will eliminate and clean the mucus from the most spongy and vital organ, the lung. A hemorrhage occurs to clean more radically. The entire system is aroused causing higher temperature by friction of the waste in circulation. That proves alarming, and the doctor suppresses by drugs and food, actually blocking Nature's process of healing -- cleansing. If the patient does not die, the elimination becomes chronic and is called

    The consumptive patient eliminates continually his mucus caused from erroneously increased, mucus-forming foods, through the lungs instead of through the natural ways. This organ itself decays more and more, producing germs, and it is then called

    The vital organ (lung) -- the pump -- works insufficiently on the circulation, the entire cell system decays more and more, and decomposes before the patient dies
    (page 38, 39)

  • Fatfreek
    My husband has done extensive research with older WTS publications and has read to me many of the horrific statements Rutherford said in these publications. Old man Rutherford could really lash out with a wicked tongue of condemnation, if only the R & F today could read this stuff I'm sure many would not be so willing to be part of the B'org. Course we know thats exactly why they keep this from the JW's today.

    Yes, BikerChic. They surely don't want this stuff in the hands of the common folk. In my opinion, the Quotes site http://quotes.watchtower.ca/admin-site-map.htm#publications can help dispel far more of the WT myth than any of my rhetoric.

  • RunningMan

    Fatfreak: Not only a very compelling story, but also very well told.

    To your story, we can also add the Witnesses who refused vaccinations, and the ones who didn't have children (remember the opening paragraphs of the book "Children", released around 1940?), not to mention the ongoing damage caused by the disfellowshipping and blood policies. The wreckage that this group leaves behind is staggering.

  • Fatfreek
    ...add the Witnesses who refused vaccinations, and the ones who didn't have children (remember the opening paragraphs of the book "Children", released around 1940?), ...

    Ah, yes, the Children book. I recall in the early 60's a brother around 60 just getting married. Before that private event, he was inspired by that book to wait till after Armageddon and was always proud to tell the story of attending the major assembly which released it -- Ohio somewhere? There was talk that he was bitter about something, I wonder what it was? Never saw much of Bob and Mary after that.

  • Gill

    Fatfreek - That was a very moving story. Thanks for posting it. It's stories like that, which make me sad for those who are still trapped in the cult.

  • TheListener

    Thanks for sharing that FF. It seems the dubs are always following one crazy fad after another.

  • BluesBrother

    Thanks for that Fatfreak {I guess you like the name but it makes me uncomfortable to use it]

    The Circuit Overseers of my youth, late 50's I mean, would all have restrictive diets and poor digestive systems, we used to joke that it was a requirement of the job. I wonder now if it stemmed from old Watchtower beliefs. Certainly the Older ones of that day were very sceptical of doctors.

    Your account was especially moving to me because I too suffer grand mal epilepsy and, although controlled by drugs, occasionally suffer the same seizures. Your description is scary . Believe me , when it happens to you, you have idea what is going on. You have no idea of the elapse of time . It is like a badly edited film that has jumped from one frame to the next. One comes around and thinks "What am I doing down here, all of a sudden" And , oh yes, you feel like you have been kicked by a mule.

    You were a real friend to him.

    I am glad he found treatment in later years.

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