Sunday Program - My input

by Flindersgirl 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Flindersgirl

    Hey all! I have about 9 million emails and phone messages that's interesting. Aside from having the intial reaction of how HORRIBLE I look on telly (which I always have) and my partner swatting me for saying it I was amused to see they only used one quote from what was a long interview. What I did do as well was give suggestions as to content, such as bringing in the admission that this problem is of course not JW specific, and talking about it in a calm manner, with as little hyperbole as possible. I was really happy with how it worked out actually. I thought Wyndgate made himself and the Society by extension look like a bunch of unfeeling hypocrites. Which they are. And I thought Graeme was really good when he made the point of saying that the offer of help involved more 'bible studies' instead of paid for counselling. My heart goes out to those people who were in the show who hav been so badly affected by the abuse foisted on them by the two men involved. Its the tip of the iceberg. Particularly telling was the admission that the one perpetrator was reinstated after only nine months because he was repentent and is now in a congregation in Queensland. I'd like to be at their next theocratic ministry school. Someone should denounce him for what he is, word will get around, Witnesses do watch these programs covertly.

    I was asked by Nine if I thought these allegations would "bring down" the Society. I said no it would not. That the majority of the rank and file would see it as persecution by Satan's agents (in this case the media) and would put it resolutely out of their minds. My mother has done this for years. I have mentioned before her reaction to my telling her that my best friend was being abused by her father, she hit me and then called me a liar. This man was subsequently DF'd for getting a 17 year old pregnant. There are many JW's who are in fact sincere and would be horrified to know the extent of what was and is going on and what the Society's reaction to the problem has been. If the Society would deal with these issues in a transparent manner, admit their is a problem and take steps to truly protect the congregations it would go along way to salvaging their reputation.

    My institution was a bit concerned that by my participation I would make myself a 'target' for zealots. That has never worried me. I am not totally comfortable with being on telly, I mean who is? Talk about an artificial environment!!! (grin). But I do believe in the importance of working for clarity and understanding. This site, my PhD and being willing to speak out all work for those ends. I do believe that people have a right to their beliefs and that includes of course Jehovah's Witnesses. But I do not believe in protecting a belief system that allows the most vulnerable of its members to be taken advantage of in ways that can destroy their lives and that of their families. Children and women have always been the most vulnerable members of the Witnesses and I will continue to be involved in a calm, reasoned fashion to bring these issues to light.



  • JW83

    Hi Mim, I can't believe I missed the program, but I read the transcript. It came over well, I thought. Often a bit of academic 'cred' can convince people where personal experiences do not, so well done! I don't think you're in any danger of religious zealots (that is quite an amusing idea - a bookstudy group carpooling to the uni to bible-bash you!)

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with your mother. When I was a Witness I heard vague whispers of abuse in the backgrounds of a few of my female friends - it is only now that I realise that absolutely nothing was ever done about these things, & the culture of secrecy has probably affected a lot more people than we realise. I grew up in Corrimal Cong (where Simon Thomas & a few other victims were), a bit before my time, but affecting a couple of my close friends (boys). It was only about 10 years ago that any of this came to light, when all of the boys were older teenagers. Who is going to protect the children?! I have enormous admiration for everyone who appeared on the program, as they represent many other silent victims.

  • yesidid

    Thank you Flindersgirl,

    I agree with you, it wont bring them down. Not that alone. However a chink here and chink there can undermine the foundation.

    Thanks for doing your bit.


  • alw

    Thankyou for speaking out - one day jws will see that theirs is only a man made organisaton prone to man-made inadequesies? (sorry I thought I knew how to spell that!!) It took a lot of courage and I praise you and the victims for their stories. alw

  • blondie

    Being in the US, I have only been able to read the transcript. As an abuse surivivor myself of the WTS system as well as my siblings, I could well imagine the difficulty of listening to the stupidity from Wingate's mouth. Scary too knowing how many JWs are as ignorant and unfeeling. I can remember one sister saying that a 9-year-old girl had seduced her 60 year old father.

    I agree Graeme skillfully illustrated the gross failings of the WTS system and its representatives.

    I agree it won't bring the WTS down but it will make people less likely to listen to them when they call.

    Isn't what the WTS says that it is not the sin that makes a person liable to DFing but the lack of repentance? The lack of repentance of the WTS and its representatives from that they are worthy of being cast out of God's arrangement.

    They are only interested in preserving their man-made organization. And the victims of abuse get no love, no help, no words or actions making amends, just a boot out the door. How like the Pharisees and other religious leaders of Jesus day only interested in preserving their authority even to the point of killing Christ. (non-Christians please bear with me, hugs) Jesus said people would be judged by how they treated the least ones.

    Enough preaching, yay for you and all the other survivors. Hang in there, things do get better.

    Blondie (fellow survivor)

  • Gretchen956

    Could you put in a link to the transcript? I'm interested in reading it and have no idea what "Nine" is, being from the States.

    Thanks and Congratulations for speaking out!


  • ozziepost


    Channel Nine is one of the four major TV networks in the land downunder, possibly the biggest. It's done two excellent investigative programs on the dubs under the "Sunday" program banner.

    The link you need is:

    BTW there've been several threads on JWD about this program.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • catchthis

    Keep an eye out for this program being on the web within an hour. The original recorded size was a wee bit large. A smaller sized version is being prepared as I type this. The program runs 29 minutes with no interruptions.

  • misspeaches

    Well done Flinders Girl!

    I admire your courage in speaking out. Not only are you exposing the lack of love displayed you also contributing in making other witnesses aware of the issue. (I am sure it was watched by many witnesses secretly.) Perhaps your actions may help in another innocent child staying just that way - innocent!

  • Odrade

    Wow. I just finished reading the transcript. It seems even more powerful than the original story. Wow.


    P.S. "Brother" Wyngate sounds like a real Bastard.

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