If you do something contrary to what the bible teaches, how do you react?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaffacake
    I'm convinced that the Golden Rule trumps absolutely everything.

    Now that is what the Bible really teaches. The JWs religion is in such a mess because they think they know what the Bible clearly teaches.

    Jesus said that not a point of the Torah will be abolished (Matt 5:18) yet in Mark's gospel Jesus repealed the Torah by declaring all foods clean. I believe the Bible is inspired (God breathed). That is what the Bible teaches. The Bible does not teach that we have the direct words of God, or that it is without any error. There are deeper spiritual teachings that JWs have never scratched the surface of. JWs in some ways are so near yet so far from the truth.

    Paul thought and wrote one thing in his first letter (to the Thessalonians) but had changed his position by the time he wrote to the Romans. He made mistakes, and was influenced by the customs and prejudices of his day.

    I just think that those of us who believe the Bible is more than a collection of old books need to be very careful about presuming we know what the Bible clearly teaches.

  • Frog

    If a law has to be written, you can be guaranteed that somebodies doing it;) The bible was just another set of laws to guarantee social control, now we have detailed legislation which covers contemporary issues in context with our time, therefore in my opinion the bible is outdated. To believe the bible you have to believe that it was inspired of God, of which you would have to have a belief in an ominipotent creator, nowadays I see very little basis for both. I don't need an external conscience to govern my behaviour, I simply apply the logic that if I'm not doing myself or anyone else any short-term or long-term physical or emotional harm, throw in a little conformity with the basic laws of the land, if it passes the process, then I'm good to go:)) frog

  • steve2

    The last time I was around someone who blasphemed, I was kind of glad I restrained myself and didn't follow the Mosaic injunction to stone them. My advice: Drop the Bible and start living.

  • LittleToe

    I'd rather see that phrased:
    "Start living and drop the bible, or not, as you wish."

    There are PLENTY of people who read the bible and don't go around shunning family and friends, living with huge regret, and acting abnormally. We just happened to have our lives sucked into a cult that taught us to do all of the above.

  • LouBelle

    I don't know if the witnesses ever came near to any ounce of Truth Jaffa - I mean they've taken from the christadelphians, 7th day adventist, came up with their own blend. When I look back now I see no light in their teachings whatsoever. They are truly the bind leading the blind.

  • doofdaddy

    Christ had it right when he said love fulfills (the) law.

    Reckon you can't go past that as a guide.

    Does this action spring from love? As opposed from guilt or requirement?

  • steve2
    There are PLENTY of people who read the bible and don't go around shunning family and friends, living with huge regret, and acting abnormally. We just happened to have our lives sucked into a cult that taught us to do all of the above.

    I kind of agree. I was also being a bit selective. Your point could be also usefully applied to sacred texts of the world's religions, including the Koran, the book of Mormon etc.

  • greendawn

    The essence of the law is "do to others as you want them to do to you" or "don't do to others what you dislike or hate."

    Clearly a lot of the biblical Christin laws are based on common sense that any civilised society would formulate. The very tedious and restrictive Mosaic law was fortunately done away with.

  • EvilForce

    Consult Buddha

  • greendawn

    Evil I don't know anything about Buddism can you tell me briefly what the essence of it is all about?

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