"God's mouthpeice"

by Bryan 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    According my TV listings, Jehover prefers Channel 7.

  • nicolaou

    Barf alert!

    *** w04 8/1 p. 10 Jehovah Reveals His Glory to Humble Ones ***


    In his own due time and through his chosen channel of communication, Jehovah has revealed to humble ones details regarding the outworking of his purpose.


    w03 3/15 p. 27 ‘The Lips of Truth Will Endure Forever’ ***

    Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45; 2 Timothy 3:16) How foolish to reject good advice and insist on our own way! We "must be swift about hearing" when Jehovah, "the One teaching men knowledge," counsels us through his channel of communication.

    *** w99 12/1 p. 9 "Glad Tidings" From the Apocalypse ***


    As heralds of these glad tidings, Jehovah’s Witnesses are really the mouthpiece of a symbolic heavenly messenger whose mission is also described in Revelation. "I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people." (Revelation 14:6)
  • Bryan

    Thanks again everyone!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • LouBelle

    Bryan: They have even said that one should listen to the voice of the faithful & discreet slave as if it was Gods' own voice - taken out of the May 15 Watchtower 1957 (yes a while back)

  • Honesty

    *** w99 12/1 p. 14 Be Happy Readers of the Book of Revelation ***

    Jehovah still uses his Son, the "head of the congregation," to teach his servants on earth. (Ephesians 5:23; Isaiah 54:13; John 6:45) Jehovah also uses his spirit to instruct his people. (John 15:26; 1 Corinthians 2:10) And just as Jesus used "his slave John" to communicate sustaining spiritual food to the first-century congregations, so today he uses "the faithful and discreet slave," made up of his anointed "brothers" on earth, to give his domestics and their companions spiritual "food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45-47; 25:40) Happy are those who recognize the Source of the ‘good gifts’ we receive in the way of spiritual food and the channel He is using.

    My how things have fliop-flopped over the years.

    "Our Incoming Government - God's Kingdom" was published in 1977:

    *** go 158-9 9 The "Sign" of Imminence of the World Government ***
    23 This vital point is emphasized by Jesus Christ in the illustrations of the “faithful and discreet slave” and “that evil slave,” the illustrations that he gave right after urging his disciples to ‘prove themselves ready’ at all times. (Matthew 24:45-51) There is a grand reward reserved for Christ’s disciples who prove themselves to be faithful, discreet and loving slaves of his, uncompromisingly devoted to his handling of the promised world government. We are serving him not just for the sake of a reward. Nevertheless, he promises a grand reward out of his appreciation. Do we desire such a reward? It is the alternative of a punishment for unfaithfulness. (Luke 12:35-46) Out of love for Jehovah’s anointed King we want the reward of faithfulness, do we not? Our answer being Yes! then let us do what the King Jesus Christ tells us:

  • Sunspot


    Thanks for asking this!!!!! With these great replies we can save this page to a personal file and refer to it when needed! I had accumulated at least 100 very pertinent excerpts and quotes, some were taken from posters from other boards that were the kind that were "real zingers" that were observations rather than actual WTS C&Ps and was quite a collection. I had everything categorized so I could find things quickly.

    All was lost when my PC crashed last Fall. My heart wasn't in it to go through that all over again! Pages like this are so helpful, and I'm tempted to start my file again. So, thanks everybody who posts these!


  • carla

    Maybe Shirley Mclain can help you with channeling. carla

  • greendawn

    Sunspot you can save vital info on a CD every so often to spare yourself a lot of heartache in case things go wrong in the computer.

    The process is dead simple and I use a Re writable CD to record and up date files with vital info.

  • blondie

    Here's my favorite


    w94 10/1 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood ***



    JESUS assured us that after his death and resurrection, he would raise up a "faith-ful and discreet slave" that would serve as his channel of communication. (Matthew 24:45-47) The apostle Paul identified this channel to the Ephesian Christians when he wrote that "there might be made known through the congregation the greatly diversified wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose that he formed in connection with the Christ, Jesus our Lord." (Ephesians 3:10, 11) It was the congregation of anointed Christians, born at Pentecost 33 C.E., that was entrusted with the "things revealed." (Deuteronomy 29:29) As a group, anointed Christians serve as the faithful and discreet slave. (Luke 12:42-44) Their appointed assignment from God is to provide spiritual understanding of the "things revealed."

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

  • Pole
    Bear in mind that our heavenly Father has an appointed channel of communication,

    Yes, bear that in mind kiddies.

    LOL at IP_SEC.


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