Good news! They will be teaching him well. I feel quite envious!
Cheers, Ozzie
by misspeaches 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Good news! They will be teaching him well. I feel quite envious!
Cheers, Ozzie
It sounds as if you're doing just fine. It cuts both ways, in that I hope he realises what he's got, in such a supporting wife
Theological studies are unlikely to make him sprout an extra head
They will help round out his understanding of a few things, though.
Education is never a bad thing, IMHO.
Best wishes to both of you in his endeavor. I knew just how f%#ked up the WT cult is when I started attending a Christian church and saw the unconditional love and concern everyone has for each other. and the minserial staff can really help people because of their advanced educational experiences. The truth about Christendom is another hole poked in the sinking WT ship of robots.
My sister is about to enter her doctorate in theology. She has seen it all, including the jws. Her masters was on Mary (no not the "virgin" the other) and she espouses incredibly liberal feminist theory.
Just because it's religious study doesn't mean it's fanatical right wing propaganda. Sounds like a thoughtful man.
I too reckon he's a keeper.
Hi misspeaches!
Hug your BF and encourage him in his profession.
Having been a dub my whole life and no experience with other religions a Church of England Vicar turned up to the creamation of my husbands grandfather. (Non of the JW relatives or anyone else attended)
The Vicar was lovely. He knew how to deal with people and he was kind, friendly and completely non judgmental, even though I suspect he was also disgusted that no one had bothered to turn up, Grandpa having been a dub for 90 + years.
I'm sure the theology educations will make him an even nicer, more rounded person.
Geez guys... I am just overwhelmed by your supportive unbiased comments.
LittleToe - I think the studies will really help him round out his personality and gifts. He is really interested in youth ministry.
Honesty - I have felt that same unconditional love from the church my man attends. Unlike the borg their leaders really are in an educated qualified position to help people.
Doofdaddy - i hope your sister loves her studies and is successful. Please pass along my best wishes
Gill - That's great that you had such a positive experience with the vicar. It just disproves all the nonsense fed to us growing up as JW's...
Thanx Guys!