Was John Denver the Anti-Christ?

by sixsixsixtynine 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    What a load of bull feces! This JW folklore has as much merit as the story I recall about a demon's hand coming out of a television to turn "Bewitched" back on after the delusional JW in the fairy tale turned it off. If only TV producers could get their hands on that technology!

  • lilbit

    yup I heard that nonsense growing up too


  • ozziepost
    I knew many JWs in the Denver area and they all laughed when they heard this urban legend.

    JWs actually worked for JD.

    That's very interesting because downunder this story was circulated as fact, as "the Troof" but I guess it was a(nother) urban legend, eh?

  • Rabbit

    I loved John Denver's music all thru my younger days as a JW and I still do. Because of his 'pro-environment' stance many JW's I knew were always sending him WT magazines & books. They thought he was just 'ripe' for the Truth because of the Paradise Earth.

    I don't think this is anything but -- an Urban Legend.


  • sixsixsixtynine

    Even Witnesses in Australia told this story? Amazing.

    It never seemed very believable to me back then, and I certainly don't believe it now. But, how did it start? Why was it so widespread? Why John Denver?!?!

    Very strange, even for JW's.

    Hi Rachel, thanks for the pre-emptive birthday wish!(someone left the cake out in the rain)

  • sixsixsixtynine
    "....a demon's hand coming out of a television to turn "Bewitched" back on...."

    Awesome! That's without a doubt, the best Dubs 'n' Demons story I've ever heard.

  • Confession

    I first heard the Don Ho story. My mom told me, in the 70s, that he'd kindly ask JWs to stand and then play the National Anthem. Later I heard the John Denver story--except that he'd ask them all to leave. Then supposedly Johnny Carson (on The Tonight Show) asked Denver if he really did that. When Denver supposely replied he did, Carson asked him to stand up and leave. I never questioned the truth of that story, until I was telling it to a group of non-JW friends at work. Toward the end of my relating it, it just dawned on me how goofy it sounded, and I realized that were it really true, no doubt it would have made all sorts of headlines. At the end of my telling the story, a friend smiled and looked at me pitifully, saying, "Bill, think..." He stayed silent and just stared at me for a long time.

    Isn't it pathetic that I never questioned it? Isn't it pathetic that I made such an ass out of myself in front of a group of friends? Isn't it even MORE pathetic that I just made up a pseudonym for myself (my real name's not Bill) because I'm still somewhat afraid my identity will be discovered in here? Tsk, tsk, tsk...

  • HappyDad

    Hi 6669 and welcome to the board.

    This topic was started in January and there were all kinds of comments. One in particular said that it was true, but who really knows?

    Hi all, this is my first time posting here.

    I am an x-jw who was one for 23 years, my parents were for 45+ years and my entire family left 10 years ago. I was actually df'd because I chose my boyfriend over the truth, but then after I got married, I tried to come back and did for a little while, but then my whole family got fed up with the misteachings and we all left and am glad for it.

    As for the truth behind this legend, yes it is true, I saw and remember the episode quite well. I remember how my whole family used to listen to JD and had his albums, and then when this happened, it tainted our enjoyment of his albums and we through away his 8 tracks and never listend to him again.


    Here is the link.



  • sixsixsixtynine

    Thanks for the info HappyDad. I didn't realize that the Johnny Carson portion of this rumour was so well known. Interesting.......

  • blondie

    Of course, if Ashton saw it, then the Carson people might very well have it on tape and can confirm it, right?

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