Upon viewing the schedule for conventions this summer there happened to be a couple that concluded this weekend. Is there anyone out ther who'd like to share the spiritual garbage served?
District Assembly Notes ?
by 95stormfront 13 Replies latest jw friends
I didn't go but I can tell you what was said. Very slow heavily modulated talks were given. The closing prayer thanked Jehovah God for EVERY talk that was given and the the brother detailed everything that was said for Jehovah God. The gist of the 3 days is-----"we are living in the deep part of the end and we must not slack off but DO MORE". Also, the "apostates" THINK they're happy with all their "freedom" but they are not really a "free people". Only Jehovah's Witnesses are. Also we must stay away from ANYTHING not connected to Jehovah's Witnesses. But just because someone is a Witness, it doesn't mean we should associate with them. In conclusion, "stay busy" in the work of the Lord and remember that everything written in the "Hebrew Scriptures" really apply to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Mini I was nodding off just reading your summary. How boring. And I was thinking they were going to announce the start of Armageddon or something.
What were the new publications?
Probably a cheap booklet or tract telling everyone how "paradise" was around the corner.
So...I see a "poztate" contingent failed to attend the very first sessions of the summer. Guess I'll have to wait another week for the usual witty synopsys' that are sure to come.
Hello Minimus
I think I am a part of the "free people" ... they are just locking the members in as good as they think they can.
Oh come now......
You mean to tell me there's no one in the Bakerfeild CA, Long Beach CA, or West Palm Beach FL area who don't want to share any juicy morsels from that spiritual feast?
Oh well........
Wait wait don't tell me about the new releases I want to be surprised!!
I used to actually feel that way. I would go out of my way to not see the new releases so I could be surprised. I never actually thought about how absurd it was to build anticipation for something so minor. Something that would inevitably create more work for myself like reading and studying a new publication.
Mini...you forgot the CLAPPING...the CLAPPING!!
we must always CLAP! -
Wait wait don't tell me about the new releases I want to be surprised!!
Well.......I'm gonna spoil it for you........
An "oh so kind" poster who wishes to remain "incognita" granted me permission to log her synopsis of the spritual bounty so lovingly provided by Gee-hobah.
Friday, after a day of rich spiritual food those in attendance were presented with yet another cheap tract based upon the "All Suffering Soon to End" talk.
But the main course was to come the next two days.
On Saturday they were told to loyally support the FDS, to humbly submit to the authority of the elders and listen to them because, and I quote my source, "Jah will not tolerate us being disrespectful to them"------------------MEANING YOU WILL DIE AR ARMAGEDDON.
But, more was in store for the R\F waiting with baited breath for those tasty morsels from the only true religion, the organization Gee-hobah chose over all others on earth.
They were presented with yet another of one of the Soceity's 224 page soft cover cheaply made booklets entitled "what does the Bible Really Teach". Really can't wait to get my hands on that book full of tasty treats where they explain that the bible doesn't really say what it says....it says what we say it say.
Y'all still with me.........
On Sunday, they had the much anticipated amongst Gee-hobah's people drama "pursue Goals that Honor God", all about Timothy choosing to follow Paul instead of getting a higher eduction.
Yes, my dear friends, once again the Soceity fails to make up their mind on this issue, one meeting hot, the next meeting cold.
The much anticipated talk that dealt with "Artfully Contrived Stories", dealt with internet dating and chat rooms. Yes, those little dubbies with their raging hormones are apparently wholesale ignoring the Soceity's counsel and have to be reminded, yet again, that these activities are "frowned upon". More admonitions of really having no need of a higher education, not going to lunch with " work mates" because it could lead to other things
She reports that out of the about 5000 people there, only 14 people were baptised.......5 adults and 9 teen-agers.
To that poster "incognita"............
Thanks for the report and allowing me to share what was obviously an excrutiating experience for you with the rest of the board.