Prophet Yahweh to summon UFO's?

by jt stumbler 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    I heard this guy interviewed on radio a couple nights ago. Apparently he was witnessed summoning ufos. Anyone else hear of this guy?

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    From the interview, between June 1 and July 15 he is going to summon ufo's over Las Vegas for all to see. I quess an ABC news crew affiliate in Las Vegas agreed to film him and they have him on tape summoning several ufo's.

  • jt stumbler
  • tetrapod.sapien

    he he,

    interesting. it should be a nice exercise in magical thinking.

    i hope CSICOP or some other skeptic organization is there to record the event.

  • Sunspot

    Was there a video with that? All I got was the audio portion. It seemed like it was interesting. Can't wait for more cverage!


  • IP_SEC

    Around here on a clear night you can see what looks like stars moving around in the sky. Sometimes they seem to move erratically, others in a straight line. Slow down and speed up. Even disappear and reappear. They are satelites and larger bits of junk reflecting light.

    Now hmm I bet I could start a following by pretending to summon these things too. All I'd really be doing is showing people how and where to look but it might seem as though I was summoning... I wonder ifin theres money in this? Hhehe

  • Leolaia

    IP_SEC....On this board, I previously posted pictures of satelites and space junk I took last summer in the Gobi Desert. When you are out far from city lights, you can see a satellite about once every 2 minutes. Sometimes there are two, and one of my pictures has two of them crossing paths. Some of them move in a very steady straight line. Some wobble erratically. They are as bright as a medium-to-dim star, but they move very fast and can cross the sky in 30 seconds. But sometimes they can be quite bright. Earlier this year, I was waiting for a train to come while I was at the station, and there were lots of city lights mucking up the sky, but indeed I saw a quite bright satelite move across the sky. Whenever I have a nice dark sky, I always love to spot these buggers moving determindly through the sky. It can be a fun thing to do with a family.

  • jaredg

    wow....i just saw the video that was linked in another thread on this baord and i don't know how to explain it. i'm not a believer in intelligent alien life forms or UFOs but seeing that video makes me wonder. i'd like to hear a logical explanation b/c i don't have one. by the way this was in the middle of the day. i have seen many satelites move accross the night sky but i have never seen one in the middle of the day.

  • Leolaia

    I haven't been able to look at the video yet cause i'm on a terminal at is a video on the internet, isn't it? It is so easy to fake things with special effects, I mean, this car commercial is totally faked but looks so real:

    Apologies to cat lovers everywhere. (The special effects are so convincing, you'd think this was a real cat)

  • jaredg

    leolaia you are correct....but this is a video of an authentic news channel broadcast. they did a story on this guy thinking it was a bunch of bunk but they were all blown away.

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