Honest intellectual thought is a tool with mathematical precision that is the basis of engineering. It is a scientific approach and an essential part of our thinking possess. What often hinders such progress is that, as Terry said, “If there is any mismatch at all the blurred line fuzzes out into failure to recognise what is real and what isn't.”
Also James Thomas said “All information is screened and filtered through the finely woven mental fabric of personal identity. What reinforces and supports the identity is allowed through, what does not, is filtered out.” (An Observation about Life) It is through self awareness and discipline that we seek to avoid this trap.The intellectual approach can become an identity in itself and will then often filtered out, unacknowledged, inconvenient possibilities that lead to incomplete answers. So can it be applied to all problems or challenges?
Into the perfect mathematical approach enter other influences such as - emotion, desire, and preference. The idea that we may be more than just a brain and have a spiritual dimension to ourselves. Then there is the possibility that although we are limited by certain physical and mental restraints in this dimension we may be free of these restraints in other dimensions - if they exist. Such experiences do not fit into some scientists present understanding of life and therefore have to be dismissed because they cannot be examined in a laboratory.
While on a two week touring holiday, I once met a bridge engineer who was responsible for some of the worlds most famous bridges. He felt he could talk to me so we had a number of meals together. He began by telling me how rich, intelligent and successful he was. He had applied his brilliant mathematical mind to every aspect of his life.
As time passed he began to share his deepest thoughts with me. I listened and he shared more and more. He was deeply unhappy and suffering from depression. He did not realize this because emotion had not been factored in to his equation of life. He was left empty and aware that he had spent his life filtering out anything that interfered with intellectually honest. This had led to great success in the world of engineering but in the process he had filtered out a large part of himself.
To do this I would have to apply the absolute rules that Terry outlined. I do this to the degree that I can, without falling into the trap of thinking that it is possible to understand and navigate life, using just the tool of intellectual honesty. I try not identify with my emotions or my thoughts because they are changeable - but I allow my fickle and inconvenient emotions to have their say - and allow for understanding that is beyond the reach of the intellect.