So... Many of us posters here use pictures of ourselves as our avatars. I think we make a statement by doing that:
a. This is me. I am real.
b. Screw you, WTBTS- I'm no longer a faceless drone.
c. To the lurkers / Newbys: Despite what you heard at the Kingdom Hall last night, Apostates aren't evil people. We have lives and are happier having left the org.
I think this a strong statement and I applaud all of us who have a part in it. I noticed this was a trend with Matt (IP_SEC) and Tetrapod being the newest followers.
SO my proposal is this:
Everyone who is willing and able, lets pick a good picture of ourselves and upload it! This will give the board a more personal feeling, and send a message to those who oppose us.
Who's with me?