should i do extracurricular activities, get involved in groups, get a job?
ill be a freshman, can i handle all of this?
in college should i...
by tsunami_rid3r 9 Replies latest jw friends
should i do extracurricular activities, get involved in groups, get a job?
You should most certainly get involved in all that you can handle. Many irreplaceable life experiences and fond memories will be found in such things. Such things also help teach the value of giving back to the community.
ya, bite off what you can handle and fly with it.
do you know what you want to major in yet? -
All that might get in the way of your mackin'....
Do what you want- It's YOUR life now... Enjoy it.
architecture, i was thinking of doing this 12th man thing, its like an athletic thing, and then getting a job on campus, maybe something to do with architecture.
Just don't burn out Hon...ok?
Get friends get out and enjoy college life ...if you need a job wark hard through the summer less in during school.
definitely.. remember not everything you are going to learn in college is in the books.... have a blast. Eduardo
Here's my tip: the library is not for studying. It is a warm and comfrotable place to sleep, especially in lounges. Noon is perfect time to snooze.
Extra-ciriculars? Job? I'm not that much of a go-getter; in fact, go-getters are frowned upon in general in Vancouver.
Its really good to be busy in life...takes your mind of stuff and less time to ponder on things i say go for all you can es
A rule of thumb to remember is that homework in college is much different than in h.s. Until you get a good grasp on how long it will take you plan on spending 2 to 3 hours of homework per week for each 1 hour of class. So if you are taking 12 credit hours assume another 24 to 36 hours of studying. You might be smart and only need 2 hours or less or be a little slower and need more like also depends on the toughness of the class.
So I'd start small and work up.