Sports Bras - Are they for Christians ?
Add your own Awake caption!
by doodle-v 85 Replies latest jw friends
Fathers: Are You Taking the Lead?
Is this what they mean by "flield service"? Get it - there running through a field - field service. I kill me
I've got indigestion now - you crack me up! More More!
Lets have a new awake cover!
' and after these things i saw and look a great crowd...
and they have washed their socks and made them white '
Great stuff.....and I'd love to see another Awake! cover or two.
Btw, I am surprised that the women aren't running in dresses. Sounds ridiculous, but I wouldn't put it past the WTS, since they've always shown women in dresses, even at picnics. I'd be willing to bet there was some heated debate about this cover before it was used. You'll note that the person in the photo showing the most leg is the guy....who does seem to be running like a fairy, as per drwstn.
Gender Roles!
Who wears the muscle shirt in your family?
Young people ask...
What does my fashion sense say about me?
White People - Will they Ever be as fast as the Blacks?