I took a similar test several times a few years back and I always received an average or just below average score. I've been working very hard on some issues over the past couple years and felt that I've made progress. It's feels great to see now that I may have actually matured a bit on an emotional level.
Your Emotional IQ is excellent - much higher than average. This means that, in general, you are able to express your feelings clearly in appropriate situations. You effectively communicate, interact with others and deal with stress. These skills will certainly bring you long-term benefits such as stronger relationships, better health and personal happiness.
Your Emotional IQ is very good - slightly higher than average. This means that, in general, you are able to express your feelings clearly in appropriate situations. You effectively communicate, interact with others and deal with stress. These skills will certainly bring you long-term benefits such as stronger relationships, better health and personal happiness.
Hey, Kate, I guess we are pretty close on the EQ test,,, umm,, I heard about this on Oprah a couple of years ago,,, (okay, everyone make fun of me NOW),,, but it's pretty cool.
Thanks, that was fun. Umm, would love to have coffee, but day-umm, I am on the wrong side of the country. lol ...
I'll settle for some cyber coffee if chat was up and running we could join Brenda Coultier and others for our morning cupa, yo Simon!!! Shameless plea for chat to be back.