I studied under a sister a long time ago and I want to know where I can find a kingdomhall near Ellicott City Maryland. MAny thanks
Hi everyone! I'm new Lana (Ellicott City) Maryland
by lanagervais 15 Replies latest jw friends
hi welcome to the board. this is, however, and ex-JW board, FYI.
may peace be with you in your search, -
Hi Lana, WELCOME to the board!
Not all who post here are ex-witnesses. Some are still active; some of us (like me) have never been witnesses. I've asked and learned a lot about the JW culture here. If you wish to add your perspective, please do!
BTW, I've never been to Maryland! I would love to go there someday (see the capital!)
Hi Lana,
According to the Watchtower, it's always a good idea to check out a group before joining. Checking it out should include considering opinions pro and against the group. so you can make an informed decision. Here are some sites for you to check:
www.jwinfo.50megs.com (Navigate to the section for people considering becoming JWs.)
Please come back to this forum if you have any questions or need further information.
Hi Lana!! Welcome to the board
Did you know that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society was a affiliated with the United Nations from 1991 until 2002?
Did you know the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society signed an agreement with the Bulgarian Government stating that they would not enforce sanctions against Bulgarian Jehovah's Witnesses for accepting any and all medical procedures, including blood transfusions?
Did you know that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published a book, "Our Incoming World Government- God's Kingdom" (First Edition 1977) page 158 paragraph 23 which contains an admission that MT 24:45-50 comparing a faithful discreet slave with an evil slave is just an illustration?
Hello and WELCOME, Lana
It's nice to have you here! We have some terrific discussions (and some silliness) on this board. We'd love to hear your thoughts and views too.
Although we have a diversity of members with opposing views, we try to refrain from throwing tomatoes and egging your house!
Annie..........Senior citizen from upstate NY
To find the nearest kingdom hall, just look for the place with the unhappy children dressed like monkeys.
If you want to get in touch with the JW's, fill out the application form at this link, and someone will be in touch with you.
JW's are warned against using the internet to connect with each other.
What is it about the study that you particularly enjoyed?
Hey everybody! Did one of you pee in 144001's coffee again? We gotta cheer him up!
(children dressed like monkeys, indeed!)
We DO have a monkey here though! My favorite monkey! kls where ARE youuuuuuuuu?
Hi Lana: to put it bluntly I think you in the wrong place child but that's okay - welcome - it's time you learnt about the truth.....
Honesty: I love the way you just grabbed the bull by the horns there