All this insider's jargon-- ``Theospeak" -- (and the constant, gratuitous ``Jehovah" this and ``Jehovah" that, as though the Lord God of Hosts is a guy that lives down the block) is to me like a chalk screeching on a blackboard.
JW terminology really gets my goat
by Ellie 35 Replies latest jw friends
ha, ha, I would ask if your kidding, but... Ok, I got the scummy part but had to look up 'dross' here's what my dictionary has---The scum or refuse matter thrown off from molten ore or metal. 2 Waste matter; leavings; refuse.
Was that word really used in print? I would really love to point that out to my husband. He claims they 'love' everybody. And they would never call me (his wife) anything derogatory, etc....
Reading this thread is a happifying experience.
as though the Lord God of Hosts is a guy that lives down the block
Funny thing is, Roomie, that I've encounted infinitely more reverence for the Lord of hosts from people in so-called
"wicked" Christendom than I ever did in 50 years in the Borg.Strange that, eh?
Cheers, Ozzie
Never mind above post, they posted at the same time. Didn't print out Blondie's this weekend, looks like I will have to.
Thing that gets me is saying “God Jehovah” instead of “Jehovah God”. Seems to me that when I was in it was “Jehovah God” now on the unfortunate occasion that I have to meet one of the holier relatives that don't know that don't mention religion rule, its “God Jehovah”. Why the switch, make scan wrong so it'll stick in the mind? What is the correct grammar anyway? Surely as monotheists simply God or Jehovah would do anyway.
Thing that gets me is saying “God Jehovah” instead of “Jehovah God”. Seems to me that when I was in it was “Jehovah God” now on the unfortunate occasion that I have to meet one of the holier relatives that don't know that don't mention religion rule, its “God Jehovah”. Why the switch, make it scan wrong so it'll stick in the mind? What is the correct grammar anyway? Surely as monotheists simply God or Jehovah would do anyway.
Thing that gets me is saying “God Jehovah” instead of “Jehovah God”. Seems to me that when I was in it was “Jehovah God”
This would be something that our fellow poster scholar should comment on! The educators at the learning establishments he claims to frequent are bemused by the dubs reliance on the word "Jehovah" - for many reasons of scholarship, it's not the word or name for the god of christians. yet the dubs come up with these derivations like "Jehovah GOD" and "GOD Jehovah".
It reminds me of one Kingdom Ministry School for elders I attended where each day the instructor reverentially wrote on the top of of classroom's blackboard the word Jehovah in capitals!
I presume that was the devotions for the day!!
Two good points well made, mtbatoon
Nothing to do with me I'm sure. Maybe there's some code running on this page that repeats the best posts so no one will miss them.
I totally agree with all the comments on this thread! I do remember on my 2nd or 3rd "study" when the conductor told me that "sister so-and-so" had kids in my kids school-----and how my stomach did a little flip when she said it. It just sounded so awkward. Coming from a Catholic background before the JWs came by---the only kind of "sister" wore a long black habit!
May we always display love for Gods reminders,
Actually, this word "reminders" is yet another slid-in weasel-word. It does not say "God's Word"---but his "reminders". I dunno, but somehow this irritates me too.
As for the scummy dross business, the WTS sure like it's head games. The obvious thought that goes through the JWs mind would be "I don't EVER want to be thought of as scummy dross! So I better do as Jah (WTS) wants me to!" The litter-ature is loaded with these subliminal and subtle thoughts.