Looks like it was also on the old phonograph records they used too (also found at www.freeminds.org )
Rutherford Records
buy all on a CD-ROM here
Recorded Bible discourses had a prominent role in the witnessing work during the 1930s and early 1940s The phonographs used by Kingdom publishers themselves underwent change with the passing of time. About 1934, when this work first started, there was a strong compact model with a spring-wound motor and carrying space for several discs. With 6 discs, it weighed twenty-one pounds. When this work first started the phonograph was so heavy that the brothers kept it in their automobile or left it at a convenient place until they found people who were willing to listen to a recorded Bible discourse.
A few years later, at an assembly in Columbus. Ohio, on September 15-20. 1937, the work using the portable phonograph on the doorstep was introduced. Formerly the Witnesses had been carrying the phonograph in the service but had only played it when invited inside. Now it was played on every doorstep. The procedure was simple: After stating that he had an important Bible message. the publisher would put the needle on the record and let it do the talking.
As of 1940, more than 40,000 phonographs were being used. Then, at conventions in 1940. a new vertical-type phonograph was introduced. Designed and built by the brothers at the Society's headquarters, the phonograph played in an upright position. It even had a cubbyhole for literature, and perhaps a little lunch. This model greatly facilitated the house-to-house preaching work. It stirred up much curiosity because householders could not see the record as it was being played. Each record was 78 rpm and was four and a half minutes in length. Upwards of 90 different discourses were recorded on 150 different records and over a million were put to use.
This CD contains over 90 of these records and represents over 14 hours of discourses by Rutherford and others. They are presented in mp3 format so they are not playable on a home CD player without the software to play mp3s, but they are playable on your home computer. To hear them you will have to use a mp3 player. There are many outstanding free ones available on the Internet. If you visit http://www.winamp.com you will be able to download an mp3 player for free. Once you have installed your player simply select the CD through the player and choose the selection you wish to listen to. This CD is CD-R so your CD-ROM should be able to read those types of recordable discs.
Recorded Messages featured:
1 - Jehovah
2 - Rebellion
11 -12 - Whose Servant
29 - Prince of Peace
30 - Peace Messengers
31 - God's Organization
32 - Satan's Organization
33 - 34 - Warning
41 - Church’s Commission
42 - Great Multitude
61 - 78 - Exposed
79 - 96 - Religion or Christianity
97 - 99 - Armageddon Survivors
100 - Cleansed World
101 - Value of Knowledge
102 - Riches
103 - 113 - Safety
113 - Song114 - Enemies
125 - 135 - Warning
136 - For Liberty
137 - 138 - Awake
139 - 149 - Violence
150 - Seattle Convention
153 - Miracles
154 - Instructions
167 - 178 Fill the Earth
179 - 190 - Fascism or Freedom
191 - 203 - Victory
204 - Snare and Racket205-218 Government and Peace
219 - 230 - The End
231 - 248 - Religion
277 - 291 - Children of the King
317 - 330 - Peace - Can It Last?