Sex for fun all reproduction done in labratory

by frankiespeakin 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Picture this the human speices could very well in the not too distant future have all reproduction done inside a very controlled enviroment(labratory) for optimum health of the speices with some special device for weeding out defects headed in a wrong direction and allowing the positive ones to be passed on by some kind of mathematical nonlinier formula that seems to speed up positive changes in the dna.

    And as a result all sex relations never results in reproduction or transfference of decease because of this prosess.

    Now if that were true would you like the casual view of sex, would you indugle is it if it was morally exceptable and no one really worried about who belongs to who, and it was no big deal?

  • hopelesslystained

    not a bad idea frankie. but where where you in the '70s-'80s? sex (at least on the Ca beaches) was free and easy, nobody belonged to anyone. oh, you could get possessive, but that was not the norm in my experience. in answer to your question, well, it's just not that important, sex that is, it is an enjoyable activity, to be enjoyed for what it is. casual is fine for a non commited individual. that's the dividing line for me though, being commited. yup, stupid people should not procreate, is that what you want to hear? yes, i possess a sarcastic sense of humor. you are asking a 'science fiction' sort of question. ahhh, the control to create a more superior race of humans, why not?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Now if that were true would you like the casual view of sex, would you indugle is it if it was morally exceptable and no one really worried about who belongs to who, and it was no big deal?

    Since you're talking ifs:

    Why not just change the way we humans think and feel? Make us like the animals who mostly don't care who they mate with, depending on the species. You'd have to do this to accomplish your idea and really have people suffer no emotional consequences from all the casual sex.

  • Markfromcali

    Some of the recent threads about sex make me think of this line from the movie UHF, where Weird Al Yankovic is playing a talk show host asking "Sex with furniture - what do you think?"

    Yes you can just have sex for fun, but I suspect many have had experiences that renders sex in itself a rather shallow experience in comparison. Sure you might still be a healthy, hot blooded man or woman with the same sex drive, but then if you have been with someone where it isn't "just sex" then you are likely to find what we call casual sex wanting. In fact, it may not even matter if you have experienced that kind of depth of intimacy in sex, you just have to compare it with sex without that intimacy to see what's what.

    For those who have had such experiences, I would guess that it is more than likely felt in the heart isn't it? That is of course why people are so caught up in finding the right partner to be in relationship with, the whole soul mate idea and whatnot. I would suggest that if you examine closely, for yourself, what you'll find is that the most intimate experiences in relationships is not sexual in nature. (however it can of course be experienced with someone you are in a sexual relationship with)

    I guess the reason I mention this is just because there is the matter of fulfillment, but of course just having fun is something else. Not to make things all heavy, but from this perspective sex in certain circumstances just starts looking like kids games. And it is certainly nice to have fun and enjoy yourself, but then you might ask yourself: Is that all I really want?

  • Country_Woman

    all reproduction done in labratory: that's a nightmare (like Hitler's dream to create the Ubermensch)

    But if that was true then sex ain't a big deal at all.

  • greendawn

    It's hard to see how sex can be detached from all emotional content and still have any meaning, unlike what the evolutionists believe humans are much more than a mass of chemicals that make up a physical body.

    Usually in a sexual relationship emotional bonds are created which can cause a lot of anguish in mere mortals with limited mental powers when they get broken, a sense of loss, deep humiliation, and betrayal.

  • funkyderek


    Why not just change the way we humans think and feel? Make us like the animals who mostly don't care who they mate with, depending on the species. You'd have to do this to accomplish your idea and really have people suffer no emotional consequences from all the casual sex.

    I agree with this, although almost certainly for very different reasons to FHN. While we can consciously decide that there's nothing wrong with casual sex with a variety of partners, we seem to be biologically predisposed to jealousy and possessiveness when it comes to our sexual partners and this cannot wholly be alleviated by cultural changes. Similarly, no matter how severe punishments for adultery are, people still do it, even those who consciously think it is immoral. Humans are inclined to be mostly monogamous and without altering our genome to reflect our more enlightened morality and advanced technology, we are always going to be more likely to pair off and have babies the old-fashioned way.

  • JW83

    Usually in a sexual relationship emotional bonds are created which can cause a lot of anguish in mere mortals with limited mental powers when they get broken, a sense of loss, deep humiliation, and betrayal.

    Greendawn - this is what I was trying to say in another thread - very concisely put!

  • gaiagirl

    This sounds a bit like the movie "Gattaca", in which most children is genetically optimized to ensure the highest opportunity for health, intelligence, and a successful life. Those who aren't end up with menial jobs such as janitors, servants, etc. The story revolves around one non-optimized individual who tries to fit in and competes in against optimized people for an opportunity to be chosen for a position on the space program.

  • frankiespeakin

    Interesting observations. I think we need to recognize that marriage or permanant couple bonding is not the way it always was for our speices, and I think we kid ourselves to think that's the way it alway will be.

    Genetics and our collective understand of the DNA process as it increases will change our lives and the lives of future generations to come.

    Hate, jealousy, and other destructive neurotic impluses no doubt will be better understood in the future, and this understanding will no doubt lead to improvements in how we get along with people.

    We are inventing new drugs, perhaps people like Alexander Shulgin who has invented over 170 different conscious altering durgs, perhaps they may find in some of these certain chemicals that quiet down harmful destructive emotions, (which is already the case). Maybe they will develope therapies that allow the mind to reorganize itself, and see more clearly the wrongness of the hurtfulness of hate, jealousy and getting even. Perhaps just like our ancient forefather who went through right of passage cerimonies, we in the furture will do the same only this time we use modern technology to provide the means for this right of passage.

    Just a thought out of the box.

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