The Big "A" is 5 Weeks Away

by LouBelle 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sith

    Ditto, maybe you should inform your company so they don't blow their money on an airline ticket?

  • orangefatcat

    Funny as it sounds, it really is tragic. Here this dear older sister truly believes what this elder has told her. I think there in lays the tragedy of it all. I mean think about it. You know there are a lot of dear older ones who suffer mental health problems such as dementia or alsheimers disease so they get things confused in thier minds.

    I really feel sorry for her. She probably is so concerned about it, that is problaby why she told you. She wanted to let you know just in case.. I hate those elders who think they are little demi gods and spout out all sorts of drivel. Yes call Bethel and ask them how do they feel about what this elder said to those in the book study. And see the you know what fly.

    I bet you a dime to a dollar he gets hell for it. Like personal teachings are apostacy, He could get disfellowshipped for this. I knew of a case in Montreal where a so called prominate elder started teaching things over and above the WTS teahings and his own opinions and was disfellowshipped. What a shocker that was for many.

    I bet you that some of the GB members are addled I mean some of these men are up in their ninties. I know of men who develop mental diseases long before they hit their seventies. Some of the so called greatest minds in history tell of men who lost their abiltities to make judgements and even to take care of themselves. They lose all their thinking power.

    Five weeks and Armeggadon will be here wow!I had better smartin up and get to the meeting on sunday.

    So everybody see you on the other side. Can hardly wait. Doomsday here we come.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I remember when I had kids they said they would probably not even get out of grade school..(6th grade then)..
    They are all in their middle to late 40's now...

    I believe they even told this to my JW SIL who is in her 60's now!..

    If you think about it ..they have to change the dates..or they would be out of business..right?
    They wouldn't have anything to peddle!

    If you really think about it..
    If religions didn't preach about an "Afterlife"..they would all be out of business!

    I only knew of one "Annointed " when I was going..she was in her 80's were most of them at that time..and she was the sweetest little lady..grey hair and angelic face..very quiet. Hardly ever answered..but they were intelligent answers..
    Then I got to the "Olden days" most religions taught about a heaven and hell..was this just a carryover for her and the other "annointed" from another religion?..And that's why they had "Heavenly "hopes? I always felt this way..never truly believed they were "Special"

    Snoozy...who was trying to remember just how long "Noah" preached about the end of the world before God supposedly caused the flood?
    And also wondering if he ever changed the date?
    Come to think of it history repeating itself? Didn't God do the job right the first time?
    I guess he has lot's of time to experiment on us poor little humans.....

  • AnnOMaly

    I remember one elder saying we wouldn't get through studying the 'Revelation Climax' book for the second time round before Armageddon. He was real sure of it too. There was someone else who announced from the stage that we shouldn't bother planning our vacation that year because the end was so close. Let me see ... how many years ago was that now ... ?

  • ballistic

    Let us eat, drink and be merry, for in 5 weeks 6 million people are in for another huge disappointment.

  • LouBelle

    I've had a good chuckle reading all of these (had myself a long weekend in South Africa) On Friday I was off and the same lil old sister & her fieldies partner came a-knocking at my door to find out how I was doing. So I told them very well, don't believe in anything that they say anymore & that Armagedon I'm sure is never going to come....For a change I got to speak my mind pretty well, asked them questions that left them a lil speechless or too embaressed to answer 'cos if they did answer they'd contradict their own teachings.

  • badboy

    How many weeks is it now?


    i HAVE HEARD FROM MY JW Neigbhbour that it won't be long.

    Methusaleh will be in paradrise Earth.

  • LouBelle

    And so the countdown begins.....fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a hellofa ride...

  • sheshe

    You guys are so damn funny!!! All of you! I am so happy for all you "Free Minded" ones! I have been cracking my side all morning, afternoon (oops! I'm supposed to be working) while I read your replies. How jaded you've become! You devils!

    And I thought JW's were sticks in the mud! I see you had it in ya all the time!

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    How many weeks are we still left with,....

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