I am coming out of the CLOSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by whyamihere 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake


    Don't let other people drive you away! There are so many great people on here. And then there are others who have issues they need to sort out elsewhere, not in your threads. Don't respond to the troublemakers.

    You didn't do anything wrong.

    I love you!

  • RichieRich

    GREAT! Now shes gone!

    Ms. Drake I pmed you...

  • Sunspot

    For cryin' out LOUD! I left for a couple of hours to go into town---and I come back to THIS???

    This is really a shame.

    For a subject that started out so funny---and what little kids can do to your day------to have this ugly trend pop up yet again.

    It makes me feel bad.


  • simplesally

    Hey don't worry about NPY............ she is a tease. At least that's what all the boys say.

    If NPY, me and Sassy got locked in a closet we'd probably find our flasks in our purses and have a party, so don't let her fool you!!

  • Special K
    Special K

    My kids never locked me in the closet..but they used to put me in time outs if I accidentally let a bad word slip out.

    Equality in my house. They had 5 minute time outs and occassionally I got a 5 minute time out too.

    Moms aren't always perfect ya know.

    Special K

  • SixofNine

    Don't go! All this attention means they see great things in you.... perhaps... just perhaps....YOU are the one. Your training is beginning, young one. *cue music*


  • sandy

    RR I am with you too. I don't believe you hate your mother. You are young and probably have a lot of anger to work through.

    My mom wasn't mother of the year either, not even close. It's hard to truly forgive her because like Chia's mother, my mom always offers excuses for her bad parenting.

    All i want is a sincere apology that says I was Wrong and I am sorry. No excuses! That is what get my blood boiling.

    But I learned to accept her half-ass apologies and get on with my life. I love her and feel bad for her bad childhood. That is what helps me understand and put myself in check when bad feelings about her arise.

  • Sassy
    If NPY, me and Sassy got locked in a closet we'd probably find our flasks in our purses and have a party, so don't let her fool you!!

    man..........that would be a fun party....lets do it!

    oh wait.. SimpleSally.. you never let me go in closets?? don't you remember our first every party?

  • simplesally

    Oh boy do I remember that party!! I just didn't want you SLEEPING in the closet. Now if we want to find a nice cozy closet like they have in rich people's houses, we could drink and play dress up!!

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