As some of you know, they are getting ready to go through the Daniel book.
I don't want to attack the dumb ideas in the book.
I would just like to be able to ask some troubling questions, so it doesn't all take.
by Check_Your_Premises 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
As some of you know, they are getting ready to go through the Daniel book.
I don't want to attack the dumb ideas in the book.
I would just like to be able to ask some troubling questions, so it doesn't all take.
An excellent little booklet from the MacGregors!
In Australia, it can be obtained from:
Free in Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 308
NSW 2747
Telephone 02 4736 5293
Cheers, Ozzie
Comments From The Friends site has some pages about the Daniel book: --VM44
"Daniel, the Watchtower's Egocentric View"
Farkels comments are also brilliant - can be found at and also somehwere on this site also I believe
A good source to refute the Daniel book is the Bible. The Daniel book contridicts the Bible.
New Daniel Book = More Problems
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More problems with the Daniel book. (Continuation of criticism) The date of 1914 has been a pivotal date for the Watchtower. A lot The overarching error in connection with the date of 1914 is not "The great dream tree symbolizes what?" The Daniel book says "the tree stands for rulership and sovereignty far grander than If you read the 4th Chapter of Daniel it says nothing specifically Next the Watchtower invokes an imaginary "rule" for interpreting The question for paragraph 28 page 96: "What rule must be applied to the 2,520 days of the prophetic seven The answer: "A day for a year." To support this "rule" they quote But, suppose there really is a rule that you use a day for a year? The debate on 607BC is an interesting discussion but it is merely |
Problems with new Daniel Book
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Fudge. That's the unofficial term for what you do with numbers The Watchtower writers are either mathematically challenged or they Let's look at the day counting prophesies of Daniel. On page 301 of the New Daniel book we have the LATEST "truth" about Ready to do some counting? The Chart "PROPHETIC TIME PERIODS IN DANIEL" (Will be referred to "Three and a half times (1,260 days) Daniel 7:25; 12:7" "December 1914 to June 1918" Let's total the time span from December 1 1914 to June 30 1918 December 1914 = 31 days They allow a fudge factor of 58 days. Is Jehovah that sloppy with Look at the type of event they use to mark the boundaries of these Page 142 Paragraph 29 Question for the paragraph "When and how did "For the anointed Christians, World War I meant a time of testing. So at what point in December do you start counting? Do you start So when did the 1,260 days end? That's essentially the question "Harassment of God's anointed ones climaxed on June 21, 1918, when If the period of mourning in sackcloth is supposed to end on June Since they brought up the June 21st date as the time it ended it Jan 1- June 21 1918 = 172 days That totals up to 903 days 1,260 - 903 = 357 days or January 8th 1915. That's not quite I was going to work my way through the other dates. I just don't I prefer my fudge in brownies. |
Well, let me think....
Methadone is used to treat Heroine addiction; Daniel was obviously on some pretty heavy stuff, so maybe if you can get this "Daniel" into a Methadone treatment clinic???
~Quotes, of the "sorry, just kidding" class