RR, JWs can be such hypocrites. I have to admit that handguns were frowned on because they really don't make good hunting weapons. But I live in a hunting mecca and many, many brothers/elders/MS have rifles, shotguns, 22s, etc. And they hunt. They know the difference between a gun that is intended only to shoot humans and those designed for animals.
I can't say that I like the idea of your mother keeping a loaded handgun in the glove compartment. Too easy to steal, too accessible to children/gun idiots. I hope she had training and kept up that training. It takes more to shoot someone than a loaded handgun and the ability to point it. There is the psychological aspect too. If you aren't sure you could shoot someone, a gun becomes a liability as they take it away from you and shoot you with it.
Blondie (who has owned guns and shot animals she cleaned, cooked and ate; no humans though)