by troubledteen 15 Replies latest social relationships

  • troubledteen

    i have been with a witness now for 10 - 11 months, i am rather young, 17.

    i dont know if i want to be with him but he's giving me all these reasons why i should and i dont know what to do, i broke up with him because he cheated on me and i couldnt cope..i really dont know what to do or what to say to him or myself to figure out what i want :(

    his mum disaproves and wont allow him to see me and he doesnt stand up for me..but i ont know if its worth it..i am sooo confused and i havent a clue how to sort my head out or weather this is worth it at this age.

    Please Help!

  • EvilForce

    Both a Witness and a cheater? Run away as fast as you can. He will only be with you on the downlow as to not upset his family. This won't change. So quit no while you are ahead.

  • IP_SEC

    What evilforce said.

    No the trouble isnt worth it. Find someone who respects you.

  • GetBusyLiving

    LOL. Sorry I had to laugh. This guy cheated on you AND he's a JW.

    Run like hell.


  • RichieRich

    If you want to work things out- put your foot down- say EXACTLY what you want from him. In the off chance he wont commit to that- start man shopping.

    Take EF with you when you go- he has really good tastes!

  • littlerockguy

    The comments above me couldn't have put it better; follow their advice. Better yet, find out how they view "worldly people" and then see if you still want to be with him.

  • metatron

    Once upon a time, I was deeply in love with an unstable JW sister. She was smart and cute

    but made me agonize because she rapidly shifted moods between love and hate ( of me)

    daily or hourly. It was pure hell.

    It isn't enough for me or others to tell you 'get the hell away from this guy'. You must see

    and feel it for yourself. In particular, you need to feel that one amazing moment when

    the tears stop flowing, and you stop thinking the relationship is of any positive benefit and

    enlightenment suddenly seizes you, and you smack your forehead and say:

    "what the hell was I thinking? I should consider myself lucky to escape from this

    toxic person!! I'm worth much more than this a$$hole thinks"

    Hold on to your self respect. Square your dropping shoulders and exercise your

    ego a bit more. Find some like minded girlfriends and value yourself enough

    to tell his cheating ass to get lost.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    You are right... you are very young and probably haven't been down this road before. Listen to our 'voices' of experience. You're just starting out in life.... don't carry dead weight - if you do, you won't be able to find, much less take hold of someone 'genuine'. Real love is a 2-way street, don't get tied up with something fake.

    I like the old saying ... "Don't worry, if you miss this bus, another will be by in 10 minutes".... such is life.

    take care...

    Double Edge.

  • Scully

    If he is a JW, and wishes to remain one, he will always "cheat" on you with his "Mother".

    The Organization (aka "Mother") will always come first.... ahead of you... ahead of your relationship with him.

    If you can handle being that low on his list of priorities, then continue seeing him. Just so you know: To the average JW, non-JW people are "bad associations". They won't accept a relationship between you and him unless you are willing to convert to the religion, and do everything they require of you. As a matter of fact, JWs are strongly discouraged from dating non-JWs, and can receive severe discipline from the church if they decide to marry a non-JW. Public addresses have been given on the topic of "interfaith" dating and marriage, comparing a relationship with a non-JW to "kissing a corpse". That's what they think of you. Really.

    Do yourself a favor and find someone who treats you right. Someone who won't cheat on you and someone who values you more than their belief system.

  • EscapedLifer1


    I am sorry you are going through such an emotional situation. You may have strong feelings for him, but like EvilForce and the others have said, and I must agree, run and find someone who will treat you as wonderfully as you deserve.

    The witnesses like him who play both sides of the fence tend to come from dysfunctional families, and heck, a dysfunctional religion, and can't help but be messed up themselves until they sort it out for themselves. Sadly this usually takes years, and is a very difficult time.

    I wish you the best!!!


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