Hi you all.

by chrissy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonnyboy

    Welcome. We can be new together.

  • Crumpet

    Hey Chrissy - I know exactly how that feels, but people in the world are kind and whilst they may not understand and think you are a little crazy - in my experience they don't judge you for it. But now you;ve found us you can share your experiences and talk to those who have been through the same.

    And guess what stick around long enough and you will get free from those fears and realise there is nothing to be afraid of - no Armageddon, no demons etc!

  • EvilForce

    Oh...and from a southerner....it's "ya'll" not "you all".

  • under74

    She's not from the South EF...she's from the much more literate Washington State.

    PS- I'm from Washington too chrissy.

  • jaredg


  • rocketman
    I hope to make some friends here cause lord only knows, not many people understand things like a grown woman fearing demonic forces, armaggedon coming, and so on and so fourth.

    You'll find that many people here understand and are willing to help in whatever way possible.

    A few years back, when I came across this site, I was amazed to find that there were indeed people who had experienced the same frustrations with the jw religion that I had. For a while, I thought I was pretty much alone in the way I felt.


  • chrissy

    Physically I checked out about three years ago. However, I was raised in that mess, so mentally I am still trying to sort things out. It is getting easier everyday, thankfully. But it is like, who do I thank? I want to thank Jesus for eveything since I feel that he was shafted a lot. Although, I really don't care. That is another nasty side effect... still feeling this need to always be polite and such. ayayay.

  • Elsewhere

    *** Gives Chrissy a pinch on the ass to help her get over her "polite" issues ***


  • Bryan


    Happy to have you and look forward to your posts!

    I too, was so happy to have found so many who truly understand. Simon's site has really helped my healing.

    Take care,


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • IP_SEC


    Welcome Chrissy.

    I understand too.

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