UNAFFILIATED Christian Where Do You Feel Wanted??

by D wiltshire 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    What if you as an unaffiliated christian went to a Pastor, Elder, or Apostle of a church and after his service you went up to him and said, ā€œIā€™m one of those UNAFFILIATED christians.ā€

    What would his reaction be?

    Would he look very startled?

    Would he even view us as a real christian?

    Who is really causing the divisions? (Multiple Choice)

    Why do so many feel we are misled?

    What is Christ love really for? The Leaders? Or all the sheep?

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    I can't speak for all of course, but our church welcomes all who want to worship. I know of many denominations in our area which does so. As a Southen Baptist we know that no earthly organization is really Christian, they are meeting places for those who find common views. We are all CHRISTIANS first and denomination second.
    That's one thing that sets us apart from cults and Catholics!

  • Billygoat

    I am currently affiliated with a Protestant church. Part of the reason I fell in love with it, was because they didn't care that I had been out of touch with God for so long. All that mattered was that I wanted to renew that relationship and they wanted to help me. I remember my pastor telling me how he thought with my background as a JW, that I would bring a fresh perspective to the congregation. He obviously wanted me there and wanted to feed me spiritually AND he wanted me to get back on my feet, so I could give back to others.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Thanks Rex.

    I'm still looking and trying to find groups that are really as you say. I'm glad you have found some.

    At the same time I'm trying to be more accepting, and open to anyone who believes in Jesus.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    But what if I started going to one of these churches and refused to join and said to the Pastor,"I won't join because I don't want anybody forcing me to beleive some doctrine of your church and I want to be able to teach what I beleive even if it disagrees what your church teaches."

    What churches are like this?
    What churches really welcomes the UNAFILIATED who are genuine christian?

  • AGuest

    Hello, dearest DW... and may you have peace!

    There is only ONE true 'church', DW, and you 'affiliate' with it by BECOMING it... and being joined TO it... rather that joining it. It has one chief cornerstone, a foundation made up of twelve, and stones and pillars made up of at least 144,000 from among the sons of Jacob (Israel) and an amount from 'every nation, tribe, tongue and people', which NO man is able to number. It has one 'leader'... the Son of God... and one 'hope'... life everlasting in the city 'having real foundations', New Jerusalem, a 'heavenly' or SPIRITUAL city, that eventually spreads it boundaries over the entire earth... an within the walls of which 'righteousness is to dwell'.

    You will not find it in a building; for you must BECOME the building.

    Ephesians 2:19-21

    You will not find it in an organzation or insitution; for you will find it... in YOU... and others like you. Thus, before you can worship in IT... it must 'dwell' in you.

    Romans 8:9
    John 14:23

    It's name? The Body of Christ that forms the "Congregation... of the Firstborn". It has no 'denomination'... for it is not CALLED 'christian', but is made UP of christians, those called... and CHOSEN by God, through an anointing with holy spirit, which is what the word 'christian' means: 'chosen person'.

    What of association? It is as the 'leader' of this 'church' himself said, 'Where two or more are gather together... IN MY NAME... there I am also.' And what is the NAME of that One? It is JAH-ESHUA (Jah Saves) MISCHA-JAH (Chosen/Anointed of JAH)... which you have heard translated from Greek to English as "Jesus Christ". "Jesus" in, in Greek is Ieosus, but in Hebrew, is JahEshua (pronoused "Yahshua" or Joshua"), and "Christ" is in Greek "Kristos", but in Hebrew "Mischa-Jah" (pronounced "Mee-sha-ya", and in English "Messiah").

    And where can this One be found? He can't be. But... if you will continue to seek his kingdom... HE... will find you. If you continue to ASK... HE... will answer you. And if you continue to KNOCK... HE... will lead you to... and OPEN to you... his kingdom.

    John 6:44
    John 10:1-6, 27
    John 15:16

    As for 'religion', however, take a warning: they are 'false lights' set up by the one that transforms himself into an 'angel of light', to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones, the TRUE sons of light, away from the TRUE Light... that bring light into the world.

    John 1:9
    John 8:12
    John 3:19

    Thus, if indeed you 'wish' it... if you want to walk by that Light and receive HIS light, that YOUR light might 'shine before men'... then, may the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, come to be upon you... you and your entire household... until time indefinite.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    HI Friends,
    Just in case you are unaware, our beloved Shelby (SJ) has her own little internet cult going. Like Watchman/Jason, Bibleman/J92 and a few other self-delusional ex-dubs, they seek out the unwary using Christian sounding terms yet teaching heresy. A little lie soon becomes very big lies in cults like this.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, A guest!

  • alamb

    I have tried a couple different churches in the past month. Yesterday I attended a service where I felt very welcome and appreciated. I have already been asked to teach the 5-6 year olds and handle the information board!
    This is so different from the kingdom hall. Even as an elder's wife the only feelings I got from people was "brown-nosing".
    This church is only trying to get people to love one another and be Christian. That's all I need for now.
    Abe Lincoln said that as soon as he found a church where the only two doctrines proferred were to love God and your neighbor, he would join. It seems I have found one.

  • AGuest

    Hello, Dub-Dub... and may you have peace... still.

    You made the following statement, implying that I am a liar and have lied to the folks here. Lumping me in with some others, you said:

    they seek out the unwary using Christian sounding terms yet teaching heresy. A little lie soon becomes very big lies in cults like this.

    First, I forgive you for your slander, for you speak without knowing.

    Now, then... I have reviewed my post for lies... even mistakes and unwary and unintentional falsehoods. Would you be so, please, to point out the 'christian sounding terms' that I have used to teach heresy? And might I add that indeed, I am a 'heretic' insofar as I disagree with the teachings of religion (heresy is pretty much going against the teachings of a religion); however, I have spoken NOTHING against the true 'church' of Christ, and have in fact explained it to those who were not knowing.

    Now, I know that YOU 'belong' to a religious organization, WW, and that is entirely your choice and perogative. You follow, then, a 'pastor' or 'reverend' or 'elder' or 'bishop' or 'brother' or 'pope' or... what have you. I, though, follow One... the Lamb of God. He is my ONLY 'leader'. I do not have to go into a certain building with certain steeples and crosses and altars and names displayed in order to worship my God; all I need is to approach him THROUGH CHRIST. And my Lord comes to ME... whenever I call... or whenever he deems it appropriate, AS WELL AS when I am in the midst of my brothers, including only ONE of such.

    I do not know which 'god' you worship, WW, but it seems to ME that if I have to travel to a 'temple' of some sort to DO it, I might as well have stayed under the Law Covenant, which REQUIRED such traveling. No, I think I like it MUCH better... that my Father... and my Lord... have come to ME... and made their 'abode'... in me. That way, I am NEVER without them; the 'union' remains intact, as long as I... 'remain in union' with them.

    Why not accept the invitation held out to ALL, Dub-Dub, to:

    "COME! Take 'life's water' free!"?

    THAT way... you can truly BE... free.

    John 8:32, 36

    My peace remains, and I remain,

    A slave of Christ,



    Hello My sister:

    My spirit bears witness to yours as a member belonging to Christ.

    Why is it though, that our father and his son remain NOT enough for those that profess to be in union, at ONE with them???

    Why dilute "pure worship" with doctrines and traditions of men and allowing ourselves to be yoked or confined in slavery once again after leaving bondage from the WTBS?

    He has continually BEGGED Israel, "Am I not enough for you?" Why must you build and worship other gods before my face?"

    Seeking him any other way but through our lord and mediator and going inside OUR TEMPLE/CHURCH (ourself if the spirit dwells in us) is outright...

    May you continue to receive his blessing and continue walking by faith and spirit.

    Your sister in Christ
    JUST A MOM (Kim)

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