Biased PBS Special Soon to be Aired

by bavman 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • bavman

    Co Producer/Director of New PBS special slotted to be aired in 2006 has mother who is JW. Check out this link:

    I wonder if the WTBS lobbied or funded any of this? Any ideas on combatting this?

  • bavman
  • avishai

    Time to make a documentary showing the other side. Or even a feature film. I'm up for it.


    FYI...when you go to there info website, there are contact emails and phone numbers. Me thinks it might be time to have a mass emailing and phoning. ITVS is funding this one-sided abortion of a film so I think they should be yelled at too. Local PBS stations should be contacted and even picketed when they broadcast it. When they are picketed, the other local news media will cover it. It seems very strange at a time when the WTBS is sucking wind that this obvious PR/Promo film for their cult is being released.

    We might be able to take the wind from their sails if we can use the opportunity to anti-witness about their terrific background of child molestation cover-up, killling kids via blood refusal and soooo much more. They're going to mention their Nazi stand. What a great time to quote their former Pres Rutherfart and what he said about the Jews in their own publications.

    They talk about special screenings around the country. What a great time for some Lambs and supporters to show up with signs. We might even be able to get help from some of the local churches who don't care for their cult-prosletizing...I don't know...I'm just spitballing here. I think we HAVE to do something to counter this bullshit film! How 'bout some other ideas?



    Here's a quote from their website...try NOT TO VOMIT!

    How though, some critics may ask, can a morally conservative religion have any role in defending liberal freedom of choice? Wouldn’t Jehovah’s Witnesses be considered an enemy to a woman who seeks full reproductive rights over her body or a gay man who seeks the right to marry? Jehovah’s Witnesses indeed consider abortion and homosexuality sinful. People who do not choose to follow the Bible-based moral code of Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot become members, and those who stray from the code are asked to leave. Unlike other religions, however, Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to influence the political process by legislating their beliefs, imposing them on their non-Witness neighbors. Jehovah's Witnesses are staunchly apolitical and have no connection to what is commonly known as the "religious right." Jehovah's Witnesses live by the long-held ideal of "Separation of Church and State" in the United States. Jehovah’s Witnesses would never protest an abortion clinic or lobby against the legalization of gay marriage, as other religions do. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not begrudge the fact that their fight for equal protection under the law and medical control over their own bodies has helped other movements. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not interested in limiting the freedoms of groups with which they disagree. They are an example of how Americans with differing views can peacefully coexist.


  • DanTheMan
    Jehovah's Witnesses are staunchly apolitical and have no connection to what is commonly known as the "religious right."

    Actually, this is a credit to them, IMO, and I wish like hell the evangelicals and fundies would learn from them instead of trying to get their equally bizarre and bigoted "bible-based" beliefs legislated for believers and non-believers alike to be subject to.

  • drwtsn32
    Unlike other religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not try to legislate their beliefs – they feel there is plenty of room on the block for peaceful circulation of ideas.

    Bwahahaha!!! Who are they trying to kid?!

  • blondie
    Unlike other religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not try to legislate their beliefs – they feel there is plenty of room on the block for peaceful circulation of ideas.

    I agree, drwatson, who are they kidding?


  • littlerockguy

    People who do not choose to follow the Bible-based moral code of Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot become members, and those who stray from the code are asked to leave.

    Unless you are, of course, a child molester.

  • gringojj

    It aid the co-producers mom is a dub. It also says he has written for the christian science monitor. So we can see where this guy is coming from, but what is his agenda?

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