Here is some question about the ages mentioned in the bible of the people living before the flood.
The age of all the ten persons unto Noah is mentioned there when the get there first son, and the number of years that the lived after that.
So many of the numbers mentioned here end with a zero or a five that it started me wondering. There are also one or two that end with an 8 or 3. No other numbers. If we make the assumption that this are 8 and 3 are rounded from 2.5 and 7.5 we can say that all numbers are a multiple of 2.5 or 30 months.
When you look at this statistically it is impossible that it is coincidence (with or without the assumption above). The chance would be 1 to a billion or so.
I give here the numbers as found in the bible.
1 Adam 130 800
2 Seth 150 807.5
3 Enos 90 815
4 Kenan 70 840
5 Mahalalel 65 830
6 Jered 162.5 800
7 Enoch 65 300
8 Methuselah 187.5 782.5
9 Lamech 182.5 595
10 Noah 500 450
11 Sem 100 500
Since it can't be a coincidence what can be the conclusion? For a lot of people the Genesis account is just all a fable and has little value. But I like to know the JW’s point of view on this.
1) It is all fake. The numbers are made up, that is why there are not random.
2) Before the flood people used another way of measuring time. Since the period of a year did not have that much meaning maybe, the measured more the months and had a period of 30 months in which the measured the time of somebody’s life. Moses or somebody earlier made the conversion to years.
3) The people themselves did not count them that accurately, and they are just not so accurate. (That means also the time of Adam 'birth' isn't accurate)
4) It is just that one in a billion chance and everything is just as it is....
Or somebody have any other thoughts about it?
Let me know,
Jaap van het Plurkendal.