Why did you leave?

by greendawn 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lilybird

    I was fed up with being told who I could associate with, how to think, how to live my life. Spending meaningless hours in field service which was just disrupting other peoples live. Also the hypocrosy of JWS being god fearing and loving when they were generally judgemental and materialistic. I say generally, as some really seemed to want to serve God and know God, but they have been brainwashed by the org.

  • blondie

    A fundamental lack of Christlike love in the whole organization.

  • Daunt

    Realisation that being beaten and emotionally, and mentally torn apart was all for something that had no evidence in the real world. That my whole life was being ruined over some guy that said "This is how i think of this book". Too much bullsnot for me.

  • DanTheMan

    The idea that Real Soon Gawd was going to come along and kill everybody except JW's lost its appeal. Plus the guilt, resulting from being a zero hour Joe Nobody dub who occasionally smoked cigarettes and viewed porn and enjoyed the company of non-JW's over that of JW's, almost drove me to insanity.

  • Nikita

    I wanted to have some fun in life!!

  • misguided

    I just couldn't measure up - no matter how hard I tried.

  • the_classicist


  • sonnyboy

    I left 10 years ago when my parents stopped going to meetings (not that I ever wanted to go in the first place).

    I was told that field service was a requirement for baptism, which was one of the many things that bothered me. I remember some sort of checklist that had to be completed before you could take the dunk. Who are they to say when anyone feels ready to be baptized? Isn't that between the person and God (humoring the possibility that He exists)?

    Now that I look back on things, the JWs seem to be nothing more than a controlling cult, devoid of Christianity. Back then they seemed like the most righteous people on earth, nearly perfect in every way.

    Never underestimate the power of brainwashing.

  • IP_SEC

    The only way out was to leave.

  • Quentin

    Because they oztersized me and rejected the woman I loved and married. Because they DF'd my mother with no JC meeting, no contact whatever. They are the foulist of hypocrities and love no one.

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