OH.MY.GAWD! 3,000th Post by Ol' Waiting

by waiting 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frenchy

    ...and every word a gem! Queen of quip?
    Hello, Seven, miss ya'!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • waiting


    You really are a dork-man, ya know it?

    I guess the only thing above emperor would be God, he he he

    IT'S *GODDESS*!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But then Red snagged that title a looooong time ago, and I really don't know how a god/goddess would dress in drag, do you?

    I really like Wasasister's Magic Thighs. Has a nice connotation to it, don'tcha think? Connotation of what will be left to the discerning reader, btw.

    HEY LARC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    I'm so sorry, Emperor (correct title, btw)!!!!!

    You are right behind me - Empress in drag.


  • Grunt

    Congratulations, Your Majesty, ummm, Your Emminence, Your Holiness, hmmm, well, what ever you choose, to me you will always be the Great Listener. I think you have responded, and responded well, to most of my posts. Thank you. It seems to me that you frequently hit the nail on the head. I guess that might be because of all the practice! Wow! 3000 HIGH QUALITY posts and Stafford can't do one. Anyway, congrats and listen, from your lofty position if you could continue to drop the odd encouraging word to the infantry we will continue to be a part of your Praetorian Guard! Long Live the Queen!


    Larc, congrats to you too! If I had been here then I would have saluted you, as I do now. Ten SHUN. PREsent Harms!!! There, consider yourself saluted by a Grunt in the Apostate Marines.

  • ozziepost

    Now I know! You're waiting to be anointed with the highest title!

    Ya know what, I think it just shows that we're all a bit crazy and waiting? well, you're the queen of the crazies!!!

    We luvs ya !

    Ozzie (of the Greater wait class)

  • waiting


    I'm shamelessly bringing this back up because y'all made me giggle and smile.

    Thank you.

    Really, I'm just bored sometimes, and I work with jw's, and my 80 yr old jw m-i-l lives next door to me and my husband's gone a lot and my dogs don't listen that well. They hear me - they just don't care.

    In other words - I come here to chat, learn, argue and laugh. Just like any other place we like to visit.

    I just visit a lot.


  • Tina

    WTG waiting!!!!!
    Just want to let you know your posts often give me food for thought!

    Thanks for being here!
    Tina who only recently got to wear the Princess leia sweetrolls on her ears ,wink

  • Simon

    I noticed Larc but I knew you'd be above this petty post counting and title chasing...

    (do you think he bought that ?)

    ok, ok... I admit, I missed it. Sorry... I promise I will pay closer attention from now on

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