Gotta love 61, "Disobedient Son"... hey kiddo, if you were disobedient in ancient Israel, you could be stoned!
Theocratic coloring book for children
by unbeliever 23 Replies latest jw friends
lol Euphemism...that was a classic line of all dub-dads. My elder uncles was the she-bears (spelling??) one, he was of course very baulding;)
How about the one of butt-naked Job writhing in pain? What a pleasant childhood memory that would make.
Besides the Keane pictures, it looks like the rest are right out of the Great Teacher book. I am surprised the site hasn't been shut down for copywrite violation by the goons in Brooklyn.
The Keane pictures are interesting....I knew a witness that said she was her mother. Her maiden matched and everything..I never had any reason to not believe her...but you never know.
I don't have a problem with a coloring book to keep kids busy during meetings however......some of those pictures are totally inappropriate for children, the Abraham picture offering his son Issac is in just awful! I really don't like the picture of Samson & Delilah together it' comes off as very sexual and it's not age appropriate, especially considering the JW veiws on sex. No wonder we all grew up, so screwed up.
A bunch are from the old Paradise book, too. I remember that SO well. Still have nightmares about some of those pics--Jezebel out the window (in the opposite corner of the page, there's a pic of Jehu waiting for her, surrounded by his dogs, who are going to lick her blood from the stones). Then there's the Armageddon pics--not part of her "coloring book" selection--that show little children, tricycles, and puppy dogs being destroyed.
Yeah, that's a great way to raise kids.
If anyone wants a CD burned of them I can mail them out to you for what it costs me to make them and mail them.
Why don't you send me a free one? I'm spiritually weak...
Hey, Richie, I think you should print out a stack of these to take to the DA. You could color in between setting off stink bombs and depositing bogus checks in the contribution boxes. LOL
Why Georgia I know the next piece of junk my mother in law with try to give my sons.
These pictures are so sad and disgustingly inappropriate for children!
Remember I have a young impressionable mind... I might just do it...
Plus, I can't stay in the lines worth a damn...