Even if they proved it beyond any reasonable doubt some conspiracy jack*ss would still hide behind the flag of homophobia.
It then begs the question...so let's say they figure out which gene "switches" homosexuality on and off and could be manipulated while the baby is still in the womb. How many of you would / wouldn't change the sexuality gene?
Sexual orientation proven genetic
by drwtsn32 22 Replies latest social current
Genetic Schmenetic!
I'm all for scientific research on the matter, but would rather it not be used to force political correctness. I would rather see people treat homosexuals as people just because it is the right thing to do, not because a scientific study proves it is an unchangeable part of who they are, like race. Kudos to those straight people and some cities and states who have supported gay rights already in anti-discrimination laws just because it is the right thing to do and not because it is a required mandate of a politically correct legislation based on genetic research.
Swan...great post.
At the end of the day does it really matter? Don't get me wrong we need science. But if it is proven that it is genetic.....do you honestly think biggots will change their attitude and the next say "wow, genetic eh? I believe in gay rights now".....NOT. -
I don't think genetic proof should matter either, but it may benefit young gay kids growing up in a bigoted household.
Maybe if parents knew that their kids didn't make the choice to be gay their lives would be easier.
Fruit fly gives the answer
So that's where the expression "acting fruity" comes from! And I thought it was an insult. Speaking perhaps more provocatively than I actually intend, I hope that science doesn't make homosexuality too respectable. Judging from the more mainstream private sexual practices, respectability ain't necessarily a recommendation. As soon as the fundamentalists start shutting up about the sinfulness of homosexuality, I may have an uncontrollable urge to get them speaking again. As the wonderfully fruity Oscar Wilde said, "There's only one thing worse than being spoken about: Not being spoken about."
Even if they proved it beyond any reasonable doubt some conspiracy jack*ss would still hide behind the flag of homophobia.
[posted before posting...]
true that! wt and bible-bumper answer is: god wouldn't require something that would be against our nature, he says homosexuality is wrong, thus it can't be natural.
i had a very heated debate in a german exjw bible-forum (yeah, they are still fanatics, just another color). wish some of you guys would have been there. it was me against the rest. -
You go gurl!!!
Okay, I don't know anything about this AT ALL (before EF jumps down my throat ) BUT it seems to me that people like to label things black & white - straight & gay. Oh good, there's a gene for gay. Now we can all get on with our lives. Why can't we just accept that we all lie on a spectrum from straight to gay (actually I hate that word straight - amend to hetero!), & some people lie on either extreme, & most of us are somewhere in the middle, according to genes & environment. That seems a pretty good, non-bigoted, & most importantly historically defensible position!
JW...I am not going to jump down your throat at all! Instead I say AMEN!!! That was my point as well. At what point do we demean our individuality and uniqueness. Hell we are all products of our genes can't we just simply accept what we are for who we are? Do we need to explain everything? Does it matter? Shite, can't we just accept each other the way we are without a scientific explanation or genetic profile to get along?!?
Shite, can't we just accept each other the way we are without a scientific explanation or genetic profile to get along?!?
In a perfect world, yes. That's the way things should be.
But as we all know, humans are generally judgmental, paranoid, and fearful creatures. What gets my goat is the fact that fundamentalists accept the existence of some unfounded, unseen, celestial being without question, yet refuse to believe that being gay is not a conscious choice and is natural when they hear it from the horses mouth. They rarely address the fact that homosexuality exists throughout the animal kingdom, not just in humans. As long as people still cling to their archaic beliefs, they'll never accept gay people for who they are. Even if being gay were a choice it shouldn't give reason to ridicule anyone. But again, in our Judeo/Christian, misogynistic culture, it'll always be an issue.
I agree, a scientific explanation shouldn't be necessary, but in our twisted world it sure couldn't hurt.