Does anyone have any ideas for a birthday gift/surprise/whatever for a 24 year old?
My brother turns 24 tomorrow and has never had a family member do anything for his birthday. I would like to do something but really have no idea what to do. (It's that social-retard-edness showing thru).
Any ideas for something fun to surprise him??
Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Birthday Ideas
by Aude_Sapere 16 Replies latest jw friends
what sort of things is he into?
has he recently come out of 'the truth'?
does he have a lot of friends who could celebrate with him?
He was 'born' in the truth, never baptized and pretty much left when he was 15. Very little contact with parents and has felt conflicted about all things religious. Couple of years ago he started studying with an older brother in the are but that fizzled out (I don't know why).
He is very into music (Plays Saxophone and Drums and a little guitar).
He has a few groups of friends so will have something to do, i'm sure. I just wanted to do something fun for him myself. It will be his FIRST EVER birthday something from a relative. Even our worldly grandparents were trained not to give presents by the time he was born.
Any ideas? Anyone?
-Aude. -
If he likes music why don't you try and get him tickets for a concert?
You'd probably struggle getting them in time if his birthday is tomorrow but you could maybe get them for the weekend.
I think if its his first birthday with a relative he'd probably just be really happy to get a cake and a happy birthday wish of you.
You can take him out to the restaurant of his choice and you pay!!! Guys like to eat!!! You also get the bonus of spending some quality time with him, and have a birthday cake arranged for dessert!!!
Thanks for the suggestions so far.
I like the cake idea. I can certainly do that. And a card.
I often treat him to dinner so that's nothing special. Still a possibility.
Any other gift ideas?
What do you all get your siblings and kids for their birthdays??
-Aude. -
I don't know if your brother is into house parties, but I'm having a first b-day party for my husband since we left the borg.It's his 40th in August, and I am inviting some friends and relatives over to play poker, and listen to some good tunes, have a few beers.....Does your brother like sports??? Maybe some sportswear, or tickets to a game? Music cd's, dvd's, guitar magazines, gadgets for his musical instruments???? These are some of the things I keep in mind when buying for my younger brother, he plays electric guitar and drums and loves anything along these lines...good luck, I'm sure your brother will love anything you get him.....
Maybe do a silly b'day - with a cake, candles, party hats just for you two! & a gift. I'm sure he'll love it! I've had four birthdays & one of my favourite things is my mother-in-law singing 'happy birthday' in a silly voice to me! Makes up for all those b'days we missed as kids ...
Maybe a years supply of reeds for his saxaphone? LOL Or how about a gift certificate for music lesson's at Guitar Center?
I think 24 and being a guy he's probably not much into the personal party thing so maybe a private family few friends cake and ice cream "do" at your house.
Just a few suggestions. I'm pretty clueless at all this birthday celebration stuff too. Have fun and whatever you do I'm sure he'll enjoy it.
restaurants are a good idea. and you can let your server know before hand about his birthday.
usually the servers at olive garden, red lobster, ihop, etc...the servers will come together and sing Happy Birthday to him. your bro might get a free dessert...have a good time.
oh yeah, some denny's restaurants offer free birthday dinners for that person.