Lot said:
I don't say this to justify the DFing of this sister. I have no idea of the circumstances and I don't believe in this practice anyway, but the stated reason given by your father is not represented by the WTS.
Lot, you don't know what you are talking about. Really. You think that your experience of the WT is the accurate one, but you are like so many others that just do not know what the WT will do.
If this lady persisted in using the KJV if the elders told her not to, they could DF her for causing divisions, or for apostasy, or for resisting the elder arrangement. Course it was 1965, so there were no elders, just congregation servants, but you get the idea; she did not just buckle under to the "arrangement". It is that simple.
You may not think so, but the elders can DF for any reason they like, if they just frame the reason within the existing actionable offenses. My older brother used quotes from other translations during the WT study in his answers; he was COUNSELED for it. They told him that he should NOT use other translations, just the NWT. Even though the society uses others. I am sure that if he continued, they would have DF'd him for causing divisions.