Hey has anyone seen this website that has a recording of a JW researcher from Watchtower headquarters that calls this baptist pastor? The baptist pastor records the conversation. It's really good. the mp3 is dated 04/20/2005 you will definately be entertained. www.unchainedradio.com
Incredible conversation with JW from WT headquarters
by tagurit 30 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Tagurit!
Welcome! I will be sure to listen to that once my bosses have gone off for a meeting :o)
Hope you plan to hang around.
Miss Peaches
WOW! The person at the HQ who called this pastor became provoked and at some points through out the conversation would actually cut the pastor off in mid sentence. His tone of his voice was loud and at times sarcastic. Know wonder when the pastor asked him his name the guy would not tell him his name.
One thing that I noticed was when the JW was reading the scriptures from 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, he misread some of the scriptures and was adding his own words into the conversations. (I was reading along with him from the NWT of the Holy Scriptures)
Thanks for posting this, it was worth listening to.
I'll check it out in a few!!
I'll check it out in a few!!
Quick! Everyone who had to deal with butt-head 'brothers' like the one on this recording, and their treatment of people at thier doors raise their hands!
*raises hand*
Raise hands with middle finger extended.
Wow! The JW was rather argumentative. Nothing like a little Greek grammar to get one all fired up....NOT!!!
Jeff Schwehm
That is simply amazing. Thanks so much for posting the link!
John Doe
The guy was obviously knowledgeble. His greatest weakness, however, was to assume no one could show him anything; hence his arrogance leading to such statements as "I'm glad I could educate you." One has to wonder what the point of his conversation was. It certainly wasn't to help this guy. At least the priest attempted to listen and understand the Bethelite's position. I absoulutely hate being cut off in midsentence like that--especially when it's to repeat word for word the same phrases half a gazillion times. What an ahole!!