In the past I have seen newer releases, that actually have been taken from older publications. I have seen these newer releases, with new names, that have identical information with variations of chapter headings, etc. Can someone tell me again where some of these are??? I know I have some in my library, but can't remember which ones they are. Would appreciate any help out there. It does seem strange that the WT needs to "recycle" publications. With enough time-lapse, it would seem like a steady stream of "new" information!! Thanks in advance.
New Publications from Older Publications
by Little Bo Peep 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
To be fair, sometimes they cannot completely regurgitate the old stuff. Who can forget the confident predictions about 1975 made in the old Truth book? That would never be included in a new publication, would it?!
Watchtower writers may be pretty unimaginative in their outlook and simply copy from earlier publications in a general fashion but they're shrewd enough to leave out the old stuff that could potentially embarrass them.
Large portions of the Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy book were based on a book from the 50's; I can't remember the title for certain off-hand, but I think it was Your Will Be Done.
The Worship the True God book was a straightforward edit of United In Worship of the Only True God.
The recent Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, from what I've read on this site, is apparently also a basic edit of Organized to Accomplish Our MInistry.
Those are the only instances I can think of recently. There have been other cases where a new book replaced the function of an old book (Knowledge vs Live Forever; Benefit vs. Guidebook; etc) but those were actual rewrites, not just simple revisions.
Insight being the Aid book in a new 2-volume package.
Some books are repackagings of articles in the mags, like Young People Ask and The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
Nathan Natas
In 1921 Rutherford's book "The Harp of God" was subtitled something like "proof conclusive that millions now living will never die!". It promoted the then-popular idea that 1925 would be the beginning of a grand "jubilee" year and would be the appropriae time for the resurrection to begin. When the book was re-published with the same name in 1928, certain foward looking time references had been removed or altered.
"Let God Be True' was originally published in 1946 (green cover). It was altered and re-published in 1952 (brown cover).
Lo-o-o-o-ng before the infamous "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" book was published in 1958, the Watchtower published W.E. van Amburgh's 1924 magnum opus, "The Way To Paradise." The society seemed pleased to quietly kick that book under the carpet just a few years later. It too, predicted the return of the faithful men of old in 1925.
The 1955 book "Qualified to be Ministers" was the first publication of the history of the WTB&TS (pages 297 to 360). This was replaced by the adventures of Lois, Tom, John and Maria in the 1959 release of "Jehovah's Witnesses In the Divine Purpose."
there have also been three, I think, versions of "Make Sure of All Things" the doctrinal quick reference guide of the WTS. The first was in 1953, the 2nd in 1957 and I'm sure there was at least one other more recently.
and the beat goes on...
By the way, books from the Rutherford era can be obtained on CD from FREEMINDS - it's called the Rutherford's Rainbow" CD. Books from 1942 (the year Joe died) to 1959 are on the "Watchtower Bookshelf" CD, which is NOT an official WTS publication. The WT BS CD is free for the asking from your friendly neighborhood apostate.
Nathan Natas
One thing I find amusing about these revisions is that often there is a relatively brief period of time between the original issue of the book and the revision. I can see people running around Bethel ssaying, "Oh, shit! We said WHAT!!!" Other times the revisions can be seen to fit in with political purges in Bethel - the "Aid" book was largely Ray Franz' baby, and when he was thrown out of Bethel, the book underwent revision and re-creation.
Each major administration of the WTS harbors resentment and distrust of the previous adminstrations, it seems. Russell was revised by Rutherford, Rutherford was revised by Knorr/Franz, Knorr/Franz is being revised by Team Jaracz, and Team Jaracz will be revised by the bankruptcy attorneys.
Through all that, about the only doctrine that has remained unchanged is one any atheist would agree with: when you're dead, you're dead. The WTS should have stuck with that and kept their big yap shut about everything else, on which they've been consistently WRONG.
I am actually on the 6th chapter in"Your will be Done"(Prophecey of Daniel) as "Pay attention to Daniels Prophecey"is up for the Congregational Book study.
I was kind of hoping there would be another Ezekiel book to replace"The nations shall know I am Jehovah-how?"
I was kind of hoping there would be another Ezekiel book to replace"The nations shall know I am Jehovah-how?"
Hoping there would be another Ezekiel book? You're kidding, right? If I had a thermometer, would you let me take your temperature?
Has anyone closely compared the Aid book with Insight to see exactly what changes were made? It might be an interesting study to see what things they thought were worth changing.
What about "Listen to the Great Teacher" replaced with "Learn from the Great Teacher"? I love how they subtley change the titles. They should just use version numbers.
BTW, did the YPA book replace the YY book, or did it just add to the pile of teenage crap books?