Rants and raves

by Chia 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    chia ...did anyone who told you to go out on the fs more, offer to take you?

    i know what you mean by not wanting to go out in fs cos you dont believe it anymore

    when they had the first campaign with the new keep on the watch brochure i decided to pioneer..i was 1 year reinstated so i thought well maybe it will make a difference..i was the only one pioneering so did it alone..first couple of weeks were ok cos that was just placing the brochure

    but then i started to call back on the placements and got to thinking what will i do with someone who shows interest...i will say come and join us..we will demand that you give up all your friends family and associates and then when you make a mistake we will cut you off with nothing and no-one

    couldnt do it...and no amount of studying praying preaching and meeting attendence could make up for what i knew

    tijkmo of the-you stand and shake your head in silent condemnation..while you never ever gave a thought to lend a helping hand-class

  • RichieRich
    one of the brothers said that the more I remained stagnant in theocratic activity, the more I would be tempted to do the things of the world

    Like my dad has always said,

    "free advice is worth it's price."

  • BrendaCloutier

    This "Unconditional Love" that the JW's and the "Society" displays is the most conditional I have ever experienced!

    Good and valid Rants and Raves, Chia. You're an intelligent woman. You'll go as far as you want to in your life!

    Hugs and love,


  • Chia

    Thanks, Brenda! I am finally seeing the light.

    Tij, it was mentioned that "we'd love to go out in service with you", but no one ever really asked me. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, I didn't want to go. I don't think I could ever do it again.

    Incidentally I was with my BF this weekend, and we saw some Dubs on an RV. He could see my body tense up, and he said, "Relax, babe. I got this covered." Thankfully they didn't come to his door.

  • Check_Your_Premises
    I liked this so much I copied it onto the book I am reading...

    Not mine. It is Robert Cialdini's. He wrote the book Influence: The Principles of Persuasion.

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