JW College Girl Getting DF'd For Going To Mormons For Love

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    Ain't nothin' like Mormon sex!

    I bet. I hope never, ever to find out from experience. JW sex is bad enough.

  • FlyingHighNow

    So they are saying this girl is "horny"? And that is somehow bad and mars her character? And JWs, the rest of them, especially the single ones NEVER get "horny". Right.

  • RichieRich
    she has gone over to the other side and will pay for it with the announcement soon.

    At least they get to Ride Bikes!! "Shocks! Pegs! LUCKY!"

    Some guys came through my neighborhood the other day... I have never wanted to shoot someone so badly!!

  • jeanniebeanz


    I didn't know you knew my ex-husband, Larry! lol Only difference is that he didn't quite kill me; I got away with just scars and a crooked eye socket.


  • diamondblue1974
    Ain't nothin' like Mormon sex!

    Maybe the mormon view of oral sex is different than the JW view....expect a mass exodus of JW 'sisters' if it is and word gets about!!!!!

  • minimus

    I now this girl and she has always wanted to get married but no one "in the truth" was ever interested in her. Hmm, Maybe the Mormon guy's just telling her this stuff just to get a convert.

  • Xander
    Maybe the mormon view of oral sex is different than the JW view....expect a mass exodus of JW 'sisters' if it is and word gets about!!!!!

    Howso? I've never heard of a woman who liked doing it to BEGIN with, JW or no. The religion just serves as a convenient excuse.

  • chrissy

    Similarly, I have a 26 yr old & single jw girlfriend who stopped going to meetings recently for the same reason...she claims that the guys her age are coming out of the closet with their alternative sexual lifestyles (i.e. gay) and leaving the org., making her already minuscule selection nearly obsolete. The rest, as she says, just don't know how to party. (she is pretty funny) Anyway, I find it annoying the way they and everyone else in society pushes marriage as the ideal. For christ's sake, even the conservative christian Bush administration allocated $300 million to further promote marriage, like it needs it. Marriage can be lovely and all but is it right for everyone? Hmmm.

    Regarding the post earlier, about god creating us with a desire to get married...I think he created us with a desire to simply procreate, like the rest of the primates. And couples instinctively stay together mainly to raise children, not co-exist and irritate each other eternally in dull sexless marriages that ran their course long ago.

  • diamondblue1974
    Howso? I've never heard of a woman who liked doing it to BEGIN with, JW or no. The religion just serves as a convenient excuse.

    It aint what you get matey its what you give.... and that was precisely my point.

  • minimus

    Xander---I think you need to find out that you're wrong.

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