I've been having several outbreaks of conspiracy theories lately and a wierd one that came to mind was if anyone has ever met Minimus in person before?
Think about it....what better way is there to gather intel on a rather large group of ex and current JW's than to ask detailed questions on every facet of your life? Typically, someone that has over a few thousand posts has been to a meetup of some sort, even a small one. But has anyone here ever met or seen Minimus in person, let alone a picture? Anonymity is very important, I know. But there are those of us who tempted fate by going to a meetup while still a witness under the threat of being df'd if found out about. When this type of occurance happens(with current jw's), we usually ask not to be photographed, or at least ask to be blurred out of any pictures that are posted to the web.
We already know that WTS HQ monitors this board. THIS IS A FACT, not speculation. If you give out just enough information about yourself - where you live, type of work you do, car you drive, etc etc., it wouldn't be very hard for a detective-like person to track you down.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I take most stories/experiences by some posters with a grain of salt. The ones that I have met in person, I trust implicitly.
I'm not sure if this post will rub some folks the wrong way or not. It's just that I was a victim of giving out too much information and it bit me hard in the end. When it did bite me, I even asked Simon to 'hide' my previous posts from my old alias. At that time, it was so that the WTS couldn't have more ammo to bury me with. Just as an FYI, I was presented with around a half-inch of printouts from this site by two of my local elders. Again, the WTS DOES MONITOR THIS SITE and will use whatever you say here against you if the need arises.
Just be careful.
Catchthis....aka Jourles
(edited to add)The printouts came from the Society via mail, not from the elders doing the legwork.