Just found out about this. You can read all about it at www.knocking.org, but here is the homepage intro...
From a handful of Bible students in Pennsylvania to 7 million members worldwide today, the Christian group has ministered door-to-door for 130 years. Typically dismissed as a controversial “sect,” the much-derided Jehovah's Witnesses lack respect and seem irrelevant. But KNOCKING reveals their surprising and beneficial impact on society.
Though Jehovah’s Witnesses do not agree with every group it has inadvertently helped along the way, their apolitical nature fosters a “live and let” live model of how groups with increasingly polarizing religious and social views can coexist. Unlike other religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not try to legislate their beliefs – they feel there is plenty of room on the block for peaceful circulation of ideas. KNOCKING is a federally funded documentary intended for national broadcast on PBS in 2006, theatrical release and educational/home distribution.
"Peaceful circulation of ideas?" Now that is a fascinating combination of guts and cluelessness.